Chapter three ✨

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One month later

" and he had the nerve to accuse me of cheating, like Nigga I will cut your dick off"she shook her head. I giggled to myself.

"So you and Dillyn done"

"Yea we jus need a break from each other". I feel bad for Layla. It's hurts to be accused of doing something you didn't do.

"He's been texting me saying he's sorry but I don't reply back, I just don't think we're ready to be in a relationship if he's not going to trust me" I nodded.

"So what's going on between you and Lucas" I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Nothing's going between me and Lucas, he don't even talk to me" I rolled my eyes. After Lucas gave me a ride home he talks to me sometimes but usually just looks at me and then looks away.

"Girl don't play stupid, I see the way you look at him"I giggled.

"I promise there is nothing going on between me and him, even if there was I would tell you first"

"Mhm" she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Okay I'm Finna go before my mom start tripping, I'll text you later" I got up and walked to her bedroom door.

"Bye boo" she said. I waved back at her. I walked downstairs and as I was walking out the door I bumped into this tall figure.

"My bad" he grabbed my arm so I wouldn't fall. Once we met eyes i realized it was Lucas. I starting getting butterflies in my stomach. "It's coo" I rushed out of the door before he could say anything else. Once I was off the porch I looked back at the door and he was just staring at me. He probably think I'm weird and shit.

I mean it's just when I get around Lucas my body starts to feel all weird and just nothing seems to come out my mouth.

When I got to my house I seen my mom and brother arguing on the porch. I walked up to the porch and once they saw me they stopped yelling.

" what's going on" when they seen me they both looked at me in embarrassment.

" and where were you" my mom said trying to change the subject.

" around the corner at Layla's house" she just nodded her head.

"Get in the house now" my mom said trying to grab my arm. I moved out of her reach. She looked at me like I was crazy. " why do I gotta go inside, I want to talk to my brother" she just shook her head.

" Amari Se'Nae I said get in the house" she said glaring at me. Before I could say anything my brother said something. " no she doesn't have to go in the house mom, it's time to tell her what's going on" he looked at me.

I looked at my mom and seen sadness in her eyes. " what's going on mom" she put her head down.

"Amari ........"

Amari in mm 😍

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys but chapter 4 will be longer. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter~ Tatiana 😛💓

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