Chapter thirteen ✨

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I ran up to the hospital desk with Marlon behind me.

The lady look at me startled.

"I'm lookin for Miranda Wilson" The lady started typin somethin in her computer.

"And who are you to her" she said pulling her glasses down a little more to look at us. My brother scrunched up his face.

"Her kids" he said soundin inpatient.

"Oh well she's in room 312. Just go down the hall and turn to your left" I started walkin as soon as she finished.

I followed the directions the lady gave to us.

Once I got to the room I stopped at the window.

The doctor was in there talkin to the nurse I'm guessing.

My mom was pale and hooked up to a whole bunch of machines.

I looked at Marlon. He frowned.

The doctor and nurse walked out the room and looked at us.

"May I help you" the nurse asked us.

Before I could say anything Marlon answered her.

"Dis our mom" The doctor nodded.

"Well your mother has slipped in a coma due to  the pills she overdosed on" he said.

A tear slipped out my eye.

I wiped it quickly before Marlon could see it. I hate cryin in front of him.

"Well the good news is she's stable. So we have nothin to worry about for now. But if she becomes unstable then we'll have to worry" with that he smiled and walked away with the nurse.

More tears started comin down my face.

Marlon opened the door and walked in. He looked at me. I guess he wanted me to come in too.

I shook my head no. He frowned but nodded walkin in closin the door behind him.

I looked back through the window.

He sat down in the chair next to her bed. He grabbed her hand and held it puttin his head down.

I sat in the chair outside of her room.

I put my hood on my head and put my head in the palm of my hands. All I could do is cry.

If somethin happens to my mom it's only going to be me and Marlon. My mom is my everything. If I loose her I don't know what I will do.


I felt myself being shook by somebody. I lifted my head and it was Marlon.

"aye i'm going to get us somethin to eat" I nodded.

"Layla and them should be comin in a minute. I called them so you can have some company" I half smiled.

He looked at me one more time before walkin down the hall.

I looked at the window. She still looked the same. Pale and sick.

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