Chapter Twenty five ✨

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"Hi mama" I said walking into her hospital room. She looked up from her phone and smiled at me.

"Hey baby" she said back. I grabbed a seat next to her bed and sat down.

"So how have you been" I asked her. She sat her phone down on the table next to her and turned her body in the bed so it was facing me.

"very good, they said I should be released here by next week. So i'll be able to come to your graduation on saturday" she said smiling. I smiled back.

"Marlon took you here" she asked.

I nodded my head. "He's outside of the room talking to his girlfriend I think." She rolled her eyes.

"Girlfriend. That's not gonna last long" she said.

"no, they actually been together for bout 3 months now" I said laughing.

"that doesn't mean anything, he was with that Mariah girl for 4 months and you see how that turned out" she said laughing.

"yeah mom but remember he was with Aaliyah for 3 years till she moved away for some reason and he never told us why." She nodded her head.

"I know you got a boyfriend" she said. I looked at her surprised.

"and where did you receive this information" I asked raising an eyebrow.

She smiled. "From Marlon of course, how long have y'all been together" she asked.

"for about 6 months now I guess" I said.

"what's with the I guess" she asked.

"nothing." She nodded her head.

"do you love him" she asked. Man I knew this question was coming.

"woah mom, too much questions, lemme go get Marlon" I said standing up. I rushed out of the room before she could ask or say anything else.

"Go talk to mom, i'm finna use the restroom" I told Marlon. He nodded his head.

• •
"what mom say that made you rush outta there like that" Marlon asked keeping his eyes on the road.

"she asked if I loved Lucas" I said looking back down at my phone. Lucas kept texting me.

My Tinka/Booney 😩😍- awwww I really miss my baby 3:46 p.m

- i'm on my way to the mall now crybaby

My Tinka/Booney 😩😍 - aye, don't ever call me that

"so do you" Marlon asked. I looked at him startled.

"oh my gosh why everybody keep asking me this" I said putting my head on the window. Of course I did. But i wasn't sure if I was ready to say it yet.

"i'm your brother you can tell me anything at all times" he said.

"i'm not answering that question" I said looking at him.

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