Chapter sixteen ✨

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"Right this way" the doctor said leading me and Marlon to my mom's hospital room.

Once we got the front of her room door the doctor stopped and looked at my brother then me.

"before we go in I should tell you to what's going on with her right now" the doctor said.

Marlon looked at me then back at the doctor,

"ight" Marlon mumbled.

"okay as you know your mom is awake and doing great but she can't talk right now or move her arms or legs. We don't know if she'll ever talk or move again at this moment" I frowned but nodded.

I look at Marlon. His face was expressionless.

"Marlon" he looked at me with tears forming in his eyes. He quickly looked away and walked in the room. He shut the door behind him quietly.

The doctor patted my back and walked away quickly. I opened the door quietly and walked in. My mom and Marlon looked at me.

She smiled.

I didn't even know I was crying Until Marlon handed me a tissue. I missed that smile.

"Hey mama".

She grinned at me.

I sat in the empty seat next to Marlon and grabbed her hand.

I kissed it and started crying harder.

Marlon kissed my forehead and pulled me into a side hug.

"It's gonna be okay now" he said softly before closing his eyes.

Hey ya'll! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. All the ideas I had was boring. Ima start updating more I promise just give me time. I got school and stuff now so it's harder but I will update more I promise. The next few chapters finna be long and good. Lucas and Amari gonna start getting closer too. Just know it's finna get good. But I hope ya'll enjoy dis quick chapter. Im going to try to update chapter sixteen in the next day or so. Love ya'll always-Tatiana☺️❤️

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