Chapter twenty ✨

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"you talk to Lucas lately?" Layla asked munching on some chips.

"No I haven't had the time really and neither has he" she frowned.

"You know. The less y'all talk the worse y'all relationship will get."

"And you know this how?" I asked her sitting up.

"Girl i've been with Dillyn for a long time. And I know you been wit someone else besides Lucas right?"

"of course girl. It never worked out though."


"cause he was ready for sex and all that and I wasn't wit it" she smiled.

"your a virgin still huh" she asked poking my stomach.

"yes, sex is nasty" I said looking down at my fingers. I looked back up at Layla and I could tell she wanted to laugh.

"Girll wait till Lucas park his thang in yo draws. you gon be begging for more and more" she said laughing.

When she realized I wasn't laughing she stopped and frowned.

"You scared to loose your virginity or sumthin?" she asked. I nodded my head.

"don't be. Sex is apart of life." I nodded my head.

"does it hurt?"

She looked at the ceiling then back down at me.

"now most people say it do the first time. But sometimes it can be different for other people. For me it hurt like hell girl. Dillyn wasn't all the way in yet and I started crying" she said laughing.

I smiled.

"It doesn't hurt for that long though. It's gonna feel so good after a few minutes trust me."

"Okay, Okay lets get off of this topic now" I said smiling. Layla smiled back.

"Now what you need to be doing is texting yo nigga little girl, I'll be right back I gotta go get something to drink" she said before exiting my room.

I grabbed my phone off my dresser going to me and Lucas messages.

- wyd?

Lucas 😍😩- finna spark it up wit dillyn and will

- what's sparkin it up?

Lucas 😍😩- aww my poor innocent baby. It means i'm finna smoke

- your annoying lol. When can I see you?

Lucas 😍😩- right now if it's so urgent. I'm only at Dillyns house. You and Layla come smoke wit us

- ight but I still want some alone time with you Lucas

Lucas 😍😩- your brother home

- no

Lucas 😍😩- ight well go to your house after then

I sat my phone down on my dresser hopping up from my bed.

"Layla!" I yelled. She entered my room a few seconds  after.

"Yes Ms. Scared to have sex" she said smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"okay you can not bring that up in front of Lucas Lay" she smiled sitting on my bed.

"you guys are gonna have the talk one day if you ever wanna loose your virginity to him."

I shook my head no.

"And that won't be until a long time so shut up and put your shoes on" she laughed standing back up.

"where we finna go?" she asked.

"to Dillyns house" I said before putting my champion hoodie over my head.

"yay I get to see my baby" she said slipping on her slides. She grabbed her keys off my nightstand dragging me down the stairs.


"wassup baby" Lucas said smiling. I smiled back sitting down next to him.

"what you been up too" he asked me. 

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"she know what we been up too, we was talking bout how-" she stopped talking and just smiled.

"talkin bout what" he asked me furrowing his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at layla before turning back to look at Lucas.

"nothing, we wasn't talkin bout nothin" I said before pecking his lips.

Dillyn passed the blunt to me and I passed it right to Lucas.

Lucas smiled before taking a long pull from it.

"I missed you" Lucas said kissing my cheek.

"I missed you too lil boy."

Hey y'all. This is a short chapter I know 🤦🏽‍♀️. I ran out of ideas sorry. I'm not really feeling dis chapter but I wanted to give y'all a chapter as soon as possible.

I know I haven't updated in the longest and i'm sorry about that too. I will try to publish chapter twenty one as soon as possible.

Oh and I see all the positive comments and all the votes. Thank you so much you guys. Love y'all 😽.

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