Chapter four ✨

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"Amari I got a call from your dad a couple weeks ago" I nodded.

"What he say" she looked at my brother then at me again.

"He said he'll be getting out of jail soon".

"But I thought he was suppose to be in jail for 15 more years mom" a tear dropped from her eye. Im confused, why is she crying.

" mom what else did he say" I knew she wasn't telling me everything.

" he said that he's coming after us" i looked at my brother. He looked at me and looked away fast.

"How many more years he got mom" more tears started falling from her eyes. My brother pulled her into a hug. " he in There for 3 mo" Marlon said. I nodded.

I don't really know what to say. Ever since I was little it seems like I can never get away from my dad no matter what I do.

I grabbed my back pack and walked upstairs to my room. I sat my backpack down and flopped down on my bed. I felt my phone vibrate so I grabbed it out my pocket. It was Layla.

From: Layla 😌💓 - hey boo 4:56

- hey 4:57

From: Layla 😌💓 - wyd heffa  5:00

- nothing bored and shit  5:02

From: Layla 😌💓- we'll come over my house 5:02

- Kay later 5:03

After I sent that text I sat my phone on my night stand and got out of bed. I made my way to my closet and just pulled out a black jacket, black joggers, and my black timbs. I put that on and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and walked downstairs. I walked to the front door and seen my mom and brother sitting on the couch talking. " where you going" my mom asked wiping her tears.

"Just taking a walk" she nodded her head. So I walked outside and starting walking down the street. The cold wind blew in my face as I walked. As I was walking I just held my head down. I heard cars honking and rushing down the street but I just blocked them out.

I heard someone calling my name. I looked up and seen Lucas walking towards me. "Hey" he said once he caught up to me. Nothing was coming out my mouth when I tried to talk so I just waved. " why don't you ever talk to me" he asked while walking with me. I just shrugged my shoulders. I don't know why I just can't talk when I get around Lucas.

" you know you can talk to me, I promise im not gonna bite you" I looked up at him and he smiled. I giggled." So whatchu you doing walking all alone" I shrugged my shoulders. He gave me a straight face. I laughed. " I just needed to clear my mind, alots going on right now" I looked up at him and he nodded. " so what are you doing walking alone" I looked up at him and he smiled. " I always do, sometimes I like to clear my mind too" I just nodded. "so how you like Detroit so far". " umm I mean its kinda cool, I miss Atlanta".

" you use to live in Atlanta" he asked. I nodded. "well lemme walk you home" I nodded in agreement. we started walking to my house. He would ask me a couple questions here and there but pretty much it was silence. I didn't realize we were at my house until he told me.

" thanks for walking me home lucas" I looked up at him. " no problem, tell Marlon I said wassup" I nodded my head and walked up to the porch. I waved to him bye and walked in the house. "where you been" marlon said scaring me. I jumped. " I was just walking around and I got lost". " then why was Lucas outside" he furrowed his eyebrows. " because I ran into him while I was walking and he offered to walk me home" I looked at him. "mhm" he scoffed and walked back into the kitchen.

I walked upstairs and I walked into my moms room. She was just laying in bed watching tv. " mom you coo" she looked at me and smiled while nodding. "kay Love you goodnight" I kissed her cheek and walked out of her room before she could say anything. I walked into my room and took off my shoes and jacket. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped out of my clothes and got in.

I washed my body and hair then, I got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked back to my room. " I'm leaving sis" my brother said walking in. "okay bye, love you" I pushed him out of the door and closed it in his face. " dang sis, but I love you too" I giggled. I dropped my towel on the ground and lotioned my body. I slipped on some fresh undergarments and put on a over sized t-shirt and some short shorts. I put my phone on the charger and got in bed and began to drift off to sleep. I hope tomorrow will be better than today.

Hey guys. I hope yall enjoy this chapter. Sorry if theres any mistakes, i typed this chapter on my labtop cause my phone broke. Anyways chapter 5 coming soon~ Tatiana

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