Chapter Six ✨

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"lehlani get up, we gotta go to school" I pulled the covers off of her and she groaned.

"i already gotta deal with school in Atlanta so why I gotta go here".

"Cause your mom said so, now get up before marlon makes us walk to school" I grabbed my shower stuff and walked in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before getting in the shower. I washed my body and hair and got out. I wrapped a towel around me and walked back into my room.

I lotioned my body and put on some fresh undergarments. I looked in my closet and just put on a black spaghetti strap croptop, blue jean shorts, and my black gladiator sandals. I put my hair in a slick bun and laid down my edges. After that I was finally done so I grabbed my phone and backpack and walked downstairs. When I got down there marlon and my mom was talking but once they seen me they stopped.

"yall ready" marlon said getting up and grabbing his keys. "yea just waiting on Lani" he nodded and walked outside to his car. "Lani come on for we late" I yelled. She came running down the stairs out of breath. " come on" I walked outside with lani behind me. Once we both got in the car Marlon pulled off.

"I seen you grinding on Will last night Lehlani" Marlon said. Me and Lehlani looked at each other. If he seen her he had to see me. My ass is grass when I get home. " you not gone say nothing" he looked at her. "there was this girl grinding and shit on Lucas too" he said right when we was pulling up to school. Once he parked me and lani hopped out real quick and rushed in school.

"girl you almost got caught" Lani said laughing. "yea, my mom would've beat my ass if she found out I was doing that" Lani laughed again. "kay lets go get your schedule" I started walking to the office and once I got there when I turned around lani wasn't even behind me.

I started walking to the front of the school and seen that Lani was talking to will, Lucas, Dillyn, and Layla. "lani" she looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. "wassup mari" Lucas said putting his arm around me. I pushed his arm off of me and scrunched up my face. "you wasn't making that face when you was grinding your ass on me last night" I flicked him off and grabbed Lehlani's arm. "come on little girl we gotta go get yo schedule before we late to class". We all started walking to the office.

"kay go in there and go up to the desk and ask the lady for your schedule" She nodded and walked in. "you look like a girl again today Mari" Layla said. I rolled my eyes playfully. "sometimes I like to dress girly other times I don't". Lani came out of the office and handed me her schedule. "You got the first three classes with us then you on yo own" I handed Lani her schedule back and she made a sad face. I just shrugged my shoulders.

The bell rung and I sighed. I stay being late. "lets go yall" we started walking to the class and the teacher wasn't even in there. She never in the classroom. We all walked in and parted our ways. I sat by Lehlani and Layla. And the boys sat by each other. "you like the school Lehlani" Layla asked. "yea its coo, I wont get to stay here long anyway" Layla frowned.

"so whats with this lucas boy, you like him Mar mar" I shook my head no fast. "yes you do, you grabbed his hand so fast when we all went to dance without yall" Layla added in. " that doesn't mean anything, I just......" I didn't finish my sentence. I didn't no what to say. "see you cant say nothing" I rolled my eyes playfully.

The teacher walked in and told us to stop talking and pay attention. "theres a assembly after lunch so don't go anywhere during it" I heard Layla sigh. "this assembly is important too" the teacher said writing something on the board. I heard my phone go off so I grabbed it out of my backpack. It said I had a text message from a unknown number.

From: Unknown number- hi mari

- hey who's this?

From: Unknown number- Lucas

- how you get my number little boy

From: Unknown number- Layla

- Kay but why you texting me, your only two seats down from me

From: Unknown number- Cause I'm bored

- bye lol

I shut my phone off and put it in my pocket. Now its time to get this boring ass class over with.


School was finally over and I was tired as fuck.  I walked out the school with lani and texted my brother to come pick us up. "you coming over after school" Layla asked. "maybe, after a take a long ass nap" Layla laughed. "okay" she hugged me and Lani and walked away. I seen my brother pull up so I grabbed Lani's arm and walked to his car. We got in and he drove off. "so about the girl that was dancing with lucas" marlon said. Oh my gosh here we go again.

This chapter was kindve boring but I hope yall enjoy it. Ill update chapter 7 soon~ Tatiana

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