Chapter Seventeen ✨

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"Come on we got an assembly to go to" Layla said yanking my arm.

I rolled my eyes and followed her to the gym.

Once we got there all the kids was just piling up.

Layla dragged me to the row where Lucas, Dillyn, Will, and this girl Will was caught up with was sitting. I sat in the middle of Layla and Lucas.

"Hey baby" Layla said kissing Dillyn on the cheek.

"Hi Mari" Dillyn said smiling. I smiled back.

"Wassup Amari" Lucas said trying to kiss my lips but I moved my head so it would land on my cheek.

He smacked his lips.

"You don't wanna kiss me now b-" I cut him off putting my hand over his lips. He smirked and wrapped his arm around me pulling me on to his lap.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

He started to suck on my neck.

"No hickies, I still gotta hear my brothers mouth" He chuckled and kissed my neck instead.

All of a sudden My phone went off.

I grabbed it out my pocket. It was Marlon,

Brother ❤️- aye I'm picking you up early. The doctor talkin bout sum happened to mom 2:00 p.m

- is it bad, is she gonna be okay 2:00 p.m

Brother ❤️- I don't know yet. Start going to the office so I can check you out 2:01 p.m

I slipped my phone back in my pocket.

I tapped Layla and she looked at me.

"I gotta go, something's wrong with my mom" she frowned but nodded.

I pecked Lucas lips and went to the office.

Marlon was on the phone when I approached him.

"Ight, I love you too" He said to whoever he was on the phone with. He hung up and looked at me.

"Come on" he said walking to his car.

We got in and he sped off.

"So what did they say" He looked at me then back at the road.

"She had 2 seizures. They tryna find out what's causin em'" I frowned.

"All she did was OD on some fuckin pills. Why is this happenin" I buried my face in the palm of my hands.

Sometimes all I wanna do is just ball up in my covers and cry.

It feels like something bad is always happening to me.

We pulled up to the hospital and got out.

We walked up to the receptionist to sign in then we went to her room.

The doctor was outside of her room talking to two nurses. He stopped talkin and looked at us.

"Aight what's goin on wit her" Marlon said.

"Well, Ms. Wilson is having all of these seizures because she has two blood clots. One in her brain and one in her leg. We scheduled her surgery for tomorrow morning at 9 a.m to remove them if you would like to be here" me and my brother both nodded.

"Can we g-go in to see her" Marlon mumbled wiping his eyes.

"She is sleeping right now so I don't think right now is the best time" I nodded.

Marlon collapsed onto the floor and buried his face into his hands. I slid down next to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"It's gonna be okay Marlon, mamas a G. She strong she ain't no rookie" he chuckled.

"Stop tryin to sound like me big head" he said standing up. I stood up next to him.

"Come on let's go home, well come back to see her later" he said before putting his arm around me.

"Im finna take a nap so don't be talkin all Loud" Marlon said. He grabbed a pillow and cover out the closet and flopped down on the couch.

"Okay, if I'm not here when you wake up Ima be at Layla's house" he nodded and closed his eyes.

I jogged up to my room and flopped down on my bed. My phone went off. I grabbed it off my nightstand and seen that Lucas had texted me.

Lucas 😍🙄- you coo?

- nope.

Lucas 😍🙄- want me to come over?

- you can't Marlons over here

Lucas 😍🙄- come to my house then. You know where I live

- I'll think about it

Lucas 😍🙄- aight I'll see you later then

I slid my phone back in my pocket and slipped on my black Nike slides.

I jogged back down the stairs and walked outside.

I walked down the street then I turned the corner to Layla's house. I walked up to her porch and knocked on the door a few times.

A few seconds later Layla answered the door.

"Hey mamas" she said moving aside letting me in.

I walked in and the smell of weed hit me.

I followed Layla into the living room and there was Dillyn, Will, Wills girl, and Lucas sitting on the couch.

They all looked up at me and smiled.

"Wassup Mari" Dillyn said passing the blunt to Lucas.

I smiled and sat next to Lucas.

He wrapped his arm around me kissing my cheek.

He passed the blunt to Will and looked at me.

"You okay" he whispered in my ear since you couldn't really hear from the music being so loud.

I nodded my head. He kissed my cheek again before joining in dillyn and will's conversation.

I looked at Layla and she smiled. I smiled back and sunk into Lucas arms.

Hey y'all. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry I'm so late publishing I couldn't think of a ending for this chapter. And I still don't like this ending ether. I will be updating this story again soon. I owe y'all one more chapter before next Monday.Just give me some time. And again love y'all always- Tatiana 😌💕

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