Chapter Thirty Six✨

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"this is the second time this morning mari" Layla said continuing to hold my hair. I sat there for a minute before throwing up the rest of my breakfast.

"yeah you're definitely going to the hospital, let's go" Layla said flushing the toilet.

I shook my head no. "i'm fine I promise" I said grabbing my toothbrush out of the toothbrush holder.

"this has been happening all week Amari, you're not scared" she asked. I applied tooth paste to my toothbrush ignoring her.

"did Lucas use a condom" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"do you remember him nuttin in you at least" she asked. Again i didn't say anything.

"have you had your period this month?" she asked.

I thought about it for a second and sighed.

"exactly, hurry up i'll be in the car" she said before walking out of my bathroom.

I finished brushing my teeth and slipped my hair in a messy bun.

I shut the light off walking back into my room.

I grabbed my phone, turned off all the lights and headed downstairs. I went outside to find Layla talking to Dillyn, Vier, and Lucas.

I haven't talked to Lucas ever since the night we fucked. They all stopped talkin and looked at me.

"damn you look like shit" Vier said to me. I flipped him off and went over to the passenger side.

"where y'all bout to go" Dillyn said leaning up against the window.

"gotta run a few errands, we'll be back the doors unlocked" Layla said before pulling out of the driveway.

"so, if you are pregnant what are you gonna do" she asked looking at me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "the best option would be to abort it" I said.

She looked at me and frowned before looking back at the road.

"why" she said.

"trust me Lay I don't want to do that but jus think about it, me and Lucas aren't together. He has a whole baby on the way, I don't want him to have two" I said.

"I know boo but jus think about it please, i'd love to be a god mom" she said cheesing. I smiled at her.

"I will, jus don't tell Lucas yet please if I am" I asked.

She nodded again smiling.

"well ma'am you are indeed pregnant" the doctor said looking at her clipboard. She looked back up at me smiling.

"how far along am I" I asked almost choking on my words.

"5 weeks" she said smiling. I looked at Layla who was now smiling too.

A felt a few tears slide down my face, I tried to wipe them roughly but they kept coming down uncontrollably.

"take your time hun" the doctor said handing me some tissues. I grabbed them smiling.

"i'll be back, then we'll be able to do a ultrasound and get you out of here" she said patting my back before leaving the room.

Soon as the doctor shut the door Layla jumped up dancing.

"ima be a god mommy" Layla said grabbing my hands. I smiled at how excited she was. I haven't decided if I wanted to keep it jus yet but I didn't wanna ruin how happy she was.

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