Chapter 7- Confrontations

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Julie's p.o.v.

Andy turns to me, "You really put a lot of make-up on today."

"Yeah I did. Is that a problem?"

"Yeah it is. I've told you time and again that you don't need it. Yet you still find the need to wear it. Why?"

"I like it."

"Don't give me that crap. There's some reason that you wear that crap. You never wore it before Blake. Is he the reason you wear it? Did he tell you that you need that crap?"

When I agreed to hangout with Andy, I didn't expect him to grill me about my relationship with Blake.

"No, Blake didn't tell me that I have to wear make-up. I just like wearing it."

"That's bullshit and you know it. You always talked about how much you hated that crap. You didn't even wear it to our middle school formal. I want you to tell me the truth. Don't even try to deny anything."

"You're right. I didn't like make-up before, but people can change their minds. Why can't you understand that?"

"People do change their minds, but not who they are completely."

"What are you talking about?"

"You aren't you anymore. Ever since Blake, you've changed. You use to wear cowboy hats and boots all the time. That concert was the first time you've worn boots in two and a half years. Ju-Ju bear, you don't talk to me anymore. You use to tell me everything, but now I feel like I don't even know you. I see that look in your eyes, the one where you want to tell me what's going on but don't. Julie, I need you to be honest with me. Can you please do that?"

I'm stunned into silence for a minute. I quickly gain my ability to speak again. "I have no idea what you mean. People change, that's all that's happened. Blake has done nothing to change me. I'm my own person. I'm the one who chooses what I wear and what I don't. I don't need you telling me that you have something against Blake. I see the looks you give him, the way you snort in disgust every time I mention him. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of dealing with your petty bullshit. You try to act like you're my brother but you're not. I don't want to talk to you again. I want you out of my life. Leave me alone, Andrew, for good."

I take off running down the sidewalk. I can't believe he said those things. I know they're true, but I never thought he would try to take away my happiness. I love Blake and he loves me, why can't he understand? I know what I said was harsh but I can't let him know the truth. If he finds out, his life will be in danger. Blake is a dangerous person. It's best if I cut all ties with Andy now.


Andy's p.o.v.

"I want you out of my life. Leave me alone, Andrew, for good."

I watch as she runs down the sidewalk. I can't believe my best friend just said she wants nothing to do with me. We've had arguments before, but she's always come around. This time, I'm not sure. I was just wanting to know why she wears so much make-up. She said it's because people change their minds all the time, but we both know that's a croc of bull. I will find out the truth. I will get my best friend back, and I'll get her back to get old self. She won't admit it, but I know Blake is the source of her problems.

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