Chapter 9- Truth and Apologies

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Julie's p.o.v.

I cried for what felt like hours. I kept expecting Blake to walk in and ask me what happened, but he never showed. I should have known. Blake is never here. Maybe Kadan was right, maybe Blake is cheating on me. I know I should be upset but I can't honestly say that I'm surprised. I know I should break up with him but I can't just throw away two and a half years of my life. I put all of my energy into that relationship. Then again, maybe Blake is just busy with school. He did take a lot of hard and energy-draining classes. I guess it's just hard for him to make time for homework and me, but I guess his priorities are in the right place. Oh, I'm only kidding myself. I'm just trying to convince myself that he loves me like I love him. I guess I just don't want to admit that I wasted two and a half years, and on top of that, I let someone change me. I lost who I was because I was convinced I was in love. Well no more, it's time I take my life back.

I was a bitch. That's the only way to describe how I treated Andy and Kadan. Andy is like my brother and I treated him like shit. I know I was just trying to protect him, but maybe I should have told him the truth and let him help me. I decide to take a long, hot shower. Once I get out, I apply more make-up and take out my phone. I decided I should apologize to Andy. I can't imagine life without him.

Me- I'm sorry, Andy. I shouldn't have ran off like that. Can you ever forgive me?

Andy- Of course Ju-Ju bear. I'm sorry too. I could have handled the situation better. Forgive me?

Me- Always. Can you tell Kadan that I'm sorry for the way I treated him too?

I wait for a reply. My phone buzzes but it's an unknown number. I unlock my phone and the text reads:

Unknown- It's okay, Jewels. Forgive me for being a jerk?

I decided to save his number before I forget, and then reply:

Me- Of course. Blake's not here and I'm bored, can I come hang out with y'all?

Kadan- Always.

Me- Okay. Be there in five.

Kadan- Okay, Jewels.

I look around the room for my favorite pair of sneakers. I finally spot them under the edge of Blake's bed. I have no idea how they ended up there. I pull them out and what I see next is not what I was expecting. There is a piece of lingerie lying by my shoes, obviously not mine. I should have known he'd bring some skank into our dorm room. After the shock that some ho's slutty outfit was almost touching my shoes, I head out the door and down the hall. When I reach the room I'm looking for, I knock and wait for someone to let me in the room. Five seconds later, the door opens and I'm being lifted off my feet by Andy. He's smiling like a maniac. He takes me over to his bed and all but throws me down. Before I can say or do anything, both Andy and Kadan are creating a dog pile out of me. "Get off me, you big oafs," I tell them. They get up and start laughing hysterically. I take that as my cue to take the pillows off Andy's bed and chuck them at their heads.

"Ow." They say simultaneously.

I grin. "That's what y'all get for depriving me of precious oxygen."

"We just missed you so much." Kadan starts. "We wanted to hug you at least one more time, in case you changed your mind."

"Yeah," Andy agrees.

"I promise, I'm here to stay."

Kadan yells, "Hallelujah!"

Just out of curiosity, I ask, "Kadan, where are you from? Your accent sounds like you're from Texas."

"I'm from Dallas."


"Yep, born and raised. I went to an all boys boarding school. That was pure torture."

"Sounds like fun," Andy states sarcastically.

"Very," Kadan states.

Andy turns to me. "I was just wondering what made you change your mind about hanging out with us. You seemed pretty pissed at the both of us."

I knew that was coming. "I just realized that you guys were right. Blake is a douche bag. When I was looking for my shoes, I found them under his bed, but there was something else under there. I found a piece of slutty lingerie right next to my shoes."

"That's messed up" Kadan says after a moment of silence.

" I always knew that boy was up to no good," Andy says.

I nod. We just sit there in a comfortable silence. While we're sitting there, I realize it's time I tell them how big of a douche Blake really is. I just don't want to dive right into telling them. Subtle conversation is best.

Andy breaks the silence first. "Ju-Ju bear, what are you doing for Thanksgiving? Are you going home?"

That's about as subtle as it gets. "I wish I was, but I can't. I have mid-terms that I have to study for. I'm just upset that I have to be away from my dad. This'll be the first Thanksgiving that we've been apart."

Andy replies, "Yeah, I know. I'll miss him too. He's been there for me since I was nine. My dad was never there. I think he's just upset because I'm not his own flesh and blood."

"Yeah." I realize that if I'm going to tell them, I need to quit stalling. "Guys, I have something important to tell y'all."

Kadan replies, "We're listening, Jewels."

Here goes nothing. "Can one of you guys get me a wet washcloth please?" Andy gets up and returns a minute later. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I begin to wash off the make-up that I applied before coming over. The horrified expressions on their faces is enough to make the tears fall.

"What the hell, Jewels?" Kadan was the first to speak, followed by Andy. "Did that bastard do that to you? I'll kill him."

"Please calm down. Don't do anything you'll regret."

"Calm down? Calm down? You want me to calm down? That jackass put his damn hands on you, and you expect me to calm down?"

Kadan pipes up, "Andy, man, sit down and let her explain. Please, carry on, Jewels."

Andy sits back down begrudgingly, and I continue. "Yes, Blake did this to me. He got mad that I went to that concert with Kadan. He repeatedly punched me for five minutes and then left. The reason you didn't hear from me yesterday is because I was so exhausted from crying and from his abuse." The tears are falling more rapidly now, but I continue. "This isn't the first time either. The reason that I've been wearing all this make-up these past two years is because he gets angry with me. When he gets angry, he uses me as his personal punching bag."

I look up and see tears in both their eyes. Andy looks like he's ready to set the world on fire. "You mean to tell me that that bastard has been doing this for the past two years. I should have known. I should have protected you."
His tears are falling harder now.

"Where's the asshole now? I want to teach him a lesson about putting his hands on people who don't deserve it, and a woman nonetheless." Kadan speaks up now.

"Please don't do anything to make you end up in jail," I beg. "Either of you. Please?" They both look defeated, but nod anyways. "Thank you guys, so much for listening."

"Of course, Jewels. I'd do anything for you. I think you should know that."

"Yeah Ju-Ju bear. I love you like a sister and all I want to do is protect you."

"I know, I just don't want Blake getting angry at you too." I glance at my phone and see it's almost midnight and my mom wants me to call her. Sounds like fun. Note the sarcasm. "I have to go back to my dorm and call my mom."

"Good luck with the biggest bitch of the south," Andy says to me and I chuckle.

"Thanks. Love you guys."

"Love you too," they both say.

Time to face the wrath of the queen bitch.

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