Chapter 17- Overbearing and Understanding

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Julie's p.o.v.

I grab my phone off the night stand. I decided to call my mom first so I could get the worst part over and done. My mom answers on the fourth ring, as always.


"Hi." I'm trying to be civil, let's see how long that lasts.

"What do you want?"

"I have something important to tell you."

"What is it? I haven't got all day."

"Blake beat and raped me last night."

She laughs. "You expect me to believe that? You're just wanting me to send you money. That's not going to happen."

"How can you say that? I'm telling you the truth."

"Yeah, sure you are, slut. I know you enjoyed what he did to you. You were always strutting what you had, it's a wonder he didn't do it sooner."

I should have known not to call her. She just basically said it was my fault, and that I deserved it. "I don't even know why I try to explain things to you. You never listen. Well, you know what? I'm done with you. Don't contact me ever again." I hang up on her before she has the chance to say anything. Did I mention that she's a bitch? I didn't even know I was crying until Kadan asked me, "Jewels, what's wrong? I didn't hear you talking, so I came to see if you were done."

"I just got off the phone with my mom. She just flat out told me that I deserved what Blake did to me. She also said that it was my fault. She was right."

Next thing I know, Kadan has me in his arms, sitting on his bed. "Your mom was not right. You didn't deserve what happened to you. You are the sweetest person I have ever met. And what he did to you, that wasn't your fault. Do you understand me?"


"Good. Did you tell your dad yet?"


My phone suddenly starts ringing. I check the caller ID, and see that it's my dad.

"It's my dad. I bet my mom called and told him what happened. She was probably laughing the whole time."

"I'll leave, so you can talk to him."

"No, it's fine. You can stay in here."


I answer my phone. "Hi, Daddy."

"Peaches, your mother just called me. She said something about Blake and rape. What was she talking about?"

"I should have called you first."

"That's all right, princess, just tell me what happened."

"Blake came into the dorm last night, for the first time in weeks. He grabbed me by my arm, and then threw me against the wall. He began punching me in my stomach and sides, repeatedly. The next thing I knew, I was on my bed, and then I was naked. I was crying, but I couldn't scream, because he had put a piece of tape on my mouth. He smacked me several times on the face, all while he was rapping me. Daddy, Blake raped me."

"I'll kill him. Are you okay? Do I need to come up there?"

"Daddy, I'm fine. I'm staying with Kadan and Andy." At that time, Andy walks into the room.

"I want you to come home. I want you to transfer to college here."

"I'm not going to transfer, Daddy. Plus, I'll be coming home for Christmas next week."

"Fine, but if you need me, just call me. I love you baby."

"I love you too. You aren't mad that I called Mom first?"

"No, I'm not. I know how overbearing she can be. I gotta go now, I have to get back to work. I'll call you back in a little bit."

"Okay, bye."


"I brought food."

"Good, I'm starving."


Daniel's p.o.v.

That bastard raped my baby. I knew letting her go up to New York was a bad idea. I'm just glad she has Andy and Kadan. They've been so good to her. I don't know how she would have survived without either of them. I'm still worried about her, though. I'm her dad, it's my job to worry. I hope they catch that son of a bitch. If they don't find him, I will, and it won't be pretty.

I can't wait until my baby comes home for Christmas. I miss her so much. There's about a week until I see her pretty face again. When she's here, I'll be able to protect her like I'm supposed to. The tears start to fall. I'm so ashamed with myself. I can't believe I let some boy ruin my baby. I swear I'll end his life.

I decide to call an old friend, who lives in New York. He works for the NYPD. I'll have him keep me updated on the bastard who ruined my daughter.

"Officer Dylan Matthews, how may I help?"

"Officer Matthews, this is Daniel Thomas."

"Daniel, how's it going?"

"For me, things are fine. For my daughter, I can't say the same."

"What happened?"

"She was raped. Did she report the incident yet?"

"The only rape case I have is Julie Thomas. Wait, is this Peaches?"

"The one and only."

"Damn, I didn't recognize her. Her bruises on her stomach and sides are pretty bad. I took her statement just this morning."

I cringe. The asshole is dead. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor."


"Can you keep me updated? I want to make sure that bastard gets arrested."

"Sure thing. I'll call you when she's identified him."

"Thank you, Dylan."

"No problem, Daniel. I'd do anything to keep that baby safe. I gotta go. I think they just brought in the punk who did this to Peaches."

"Let me know."

"Will do. Bye."


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