Chapter 16- Getting Help

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Julie's p.o.v.

I wake up in an unfamiliar place. Then, suddenly, the memories come flooding back. I scream out, and in a matter of seconds, I'm lifted up and am currently sitting on Andy's lap. "Ju-Ju bear, what's the matter?"

"Tell me it didn't happen! Please! Please, tell me it didn't happen!"

"I wish we could, Jewels, but we can't."

I begin to cry harder. I look up at both of them and realize they're both crying. I cry until I feel like my tear ducts are completely dry. I stand up and walk into the bathroom. I run some water and grab a washcloth. Once I'm done, I head back over to Andy's bed. "Can someone take me to the hospital? I'm too shook up and sore to drive."

"Yeah. Let's go, Jewels."

We all three head out to Kadan's car. I get in the back, so I'm a little more comfortable. Kadan backs out of the spot, and begins driving towards the hospital. Once we arrive, he finds a spot relatively close to the doors. They help me out of the car. We walk in the emergency room, and up to the desk.

"How can I help you," the lady at the desk asks.

"I was raped and beat last night."

"Okay, sweetie. I need you to fill out these forms so I can have a doctor check you out."


"Have the police been contacted?"

"No ma'am. She was too tired last night to call, and this is the first place we came this morning," Kadan answers.

"Okay, we'll have to contact them after the doctor has checked her out. It's not that I don't believe she was raped, it's just procedure that we can't call until we know for sure."

"Okay. I understand," I say.

Andy and Kadan don't look too happy, but they follow me to the chairs. Once I'm done filling out the forms, Andy takes them back up to the lady for me. Shortly after, a nurse comes into the waiting room. "Julie Thomas?"

I stand up, and so do the guys. I turn to look at them. "I can handle this. Y'all stay out here." They sit back down begrudgingly. As I make my to the nurse, I feel glares from the people who have been here longer than I.

"Right this way, Miss Thomas."

She leads me a to room. She begins to check my vitals. After she's done, she turns to me. "What brings you here, today, Miss Thomas?"

I swallow. "I was raped and beat last night."

"Where were you beat?"

"On my stomach and sides."

"Can you lift your shirt up and show me?"

I lift up my shirt and hear her gasp.

"Have you contacted the police?"

"No, ma'am."

"I'll be right back." She leaves the room. After a few minutes, the nurse comes back in with a female doctor, hallelujah. "Miss Thomas, Nurse Stacey tells me you have bruises on your stomach and sides."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Can I see?"

I lift my shirt up again, and this time they both gasp. The doctor turns to Nurse Stacey. "Nurse, will you have someone call the police?"

"Right away." Nurse Stacey turns and leaves the room. The doctor turns to look at me. "Miss Thomas, I'm Doctor Sydney Williams. I'm under the impression that you were raped and beat last night, is that right?"


"Okay. The police should be here soon to take your statement, but first I need to do a rape kit. Is that all right?"

I nod.

"Okay. I'm going to leave the room. I need you to put this gown on. I'll be back in five minutes."

"Okay." Doctor Williams leaves, and as quickly as I can, I take off my clothes and put on the hospital gown. A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. "Come in."

Doctor Williams comes back in, followed by Nurse Stacey. They proceed with the rape test. After what seems like forever, they're finally done. Nurse Stacey leaves and the doctor turns to me. "I'm going to prescribe some painkillers and I want you to take them when the pain is unbearable. Okay?"


"You can go talk to the police as soon as you're dressed."

"So, you believe I was raped?"

"Honey, I knew the moment I saw you that you had been raped. It's just protocol to perform the test."

"Okay. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She leaves, and I change back into Kadan's clothes. I go to the window to be discharged and pick up my prescription. I go back into the waiting room, and Kadan comes up to me. "You okay?"


We walk over to the officer talking to Andy.

"You must be Miss Thomas?" He doesn't look to sure. "Yes, sir, I am."

"I'm Officer Matthews. I'm here to take your statement, whenever you're ready, of course."

I nod. I then begin to tell him the story of what happened. He's listening and writing down what I say. When I'm finished, he asks, "Who is the person that did this to you?"

"His name is Blake Miller?"

"Did he give you a reason as to why he did this?"

"He got mad when I told him we were over."

"Okay, Miss Thomas, we'll be looking for him. We'll contact you when we have him in custody for you to identify."

"Okay. Thank you so much."

"No problem."

He then heads out of the emergency department. "Ready to go, Jewels?"

"Yeah. I'm also starving, can we get some breakfast?"

"Ju-Ju bear, it's twelve thirty, I think it's a little late for breakfast."

I look at my phone to see that it is, in fact, 12:30.

"Okay, what about lunch?"

"How about we get you back to the room, and then I can go pick up lunch."

"That's fine."

We head out to Kadan's car. He begins the ten minute drive back to campus. Once we get there, Andy tells us he'll go pick up, and then kisses my cheek. Kadan and I walk back up to the room.

We walk I and I sit down on the bed beside him. "When are you going to tell your parents?"

"I guess now is as good a time as any, huh?"

"I'll go in the other room, to give you some privacy."

"Thank you."

"No problem." He gets up, but not before he kisses my cheek.

Time to get this over with.

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