Chapter 11- Feeling Refreshed

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Julie's p.o.v.

I wake up and notice that Blake still isn't here. I decide to take a shower before I do anything else. I grab my phone and head into the bathroom. I scroll through my songs until I find the one I'm looking for and put my phone on repeat. The song "Broken" by Lindsey Haun starts playing. I climb in the shower and start singing the words.

🎶 Wake up to a sunny day🎶
🎶 Not a cloud up in the sky🎶
🎶 And then it starts to rain🎶

This song describes my situation with Blake perfectly. Then the chorus comes on.

🎶 When you're broken🎶
🎶 In a million little pieces🎶
🎶 And you're trying🎶
🎶 But you can't hold on anymore🎶
🎶 Every tear falls down for a reason🎶
🎶 Don't you stop believing in
🎶 When you're broken🎶

I sing the words with all the emotion I can summit. I fell in love with the song the first time I watched Broken Bridges. Ever since I started dating Blake, I've felt like I was broken. This song lets me know that everything will be okay. Things will be even better when I breakup with Blake, if I ever see him again. It's not something I want to do over text message.

After I'm done with my shower, I get dressed and put on enough make-up to cover my bruises. I grab my phone off the counter and walk over to my bed. I scroll through my contacts and fine my dad's number. I immediately press the call button. His phone goes straight to voicemail. He never has his phone turned off, unless he's at the movies. But why would he be at the movies this early? Maybe his phone is dead. I'll try again in a little bit. Now I'm going to head out for breakfast and take Andy and Kadan with me, whether they like it or not.


Andy's p.o.v.

I called Daniel this morning and he was more than happy to accept our offer. He had protests about us paying for his airline ticket, but he eventually gave in. He was on the next flight here. We just have to make sure to keep it a secret from my Ju-Ju bear. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Kadan answers it and reveals Julie.

"What are you doing here, Jewels?"

"I'm going to get breakfast and y'all are coming with me."

"I'm sorry. I can't go. I'm planning Thanksgiving on Thursday and I have to invite some more people. You guys go on and have fun." I say to them. That statement is only partially true. The only person that's not here who should be is Daniel, and he's on his way. I just want Julie and Kadan to get to know each other better. I feel like they can be good friends, if given the chance. That's why I'm not going. I've spent enough time with the both of them to know they have a lot of common interests. They just need to hangout with each other.

Kadan turns to me. "You sure?"

"Yeah. I have to make sure that package I ordered will be here on time." Kadan nods. "Okay."

Julie looks disappointed. "I wish you were going." She pouts.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Okay, fine." She turns but stops. "Have you talked to my dad today? I called him but his phone went to voicemail."

"No," I lie. "If I do talk to him, I'll tell him to call you."

"Okay, thanks."

"Anytime." With that, they leave.

I call Daniel's phone and he answers. "Hey, Andy. What's up?"

"I was calling to let you know that Julie called you but said your phone was off."

"Okay, thank you. I'll call her in a few."

"Give it at least one hour. She went out to breakfast with a friend."

"She's out with Blake?"

"No, she's out with my roommate, Kadan. They're good friends."

"As long as he treats my daughter right, I'm okay with it. I just never liked Blake. I feel like my Peaches is hiding something from me."

"All will be revealed when you get here, Daniel. I don't want to tell you because it's not my story to tell."

"Alright. I should show up sometime tomorrow."

"Okay. See you then."

"See you then."

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