Chapter 25- Reality Check

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Julie's p.o.v.

I wake up the next morning, and I'm in my room. I must have fallen asleep on Kadan last night, and he brought me to my room.

I throw back my covers, and realize that I'm still in my party dress. I go to my dresser and choose an outfit. I then head into the bathroom to take a shower to wash away my make-up, tears, and sweat. I place my phone on the counter and hit play. Fight Song begins to play. As I listen to the words, I decide that it's time I take back my own life. I'm going to apologize to the guys.

Once I'm done, I decide to blow dry my hair. I skip putting on more make-up, since my face has healed.

I head downstairs to find everybody. When I get to the living room, I only see my dad. "Daddy, where's the boys?"

"They already left, Peaches."


"They left. They went to the airport about an hour ago."

I check my phone. It's already 10:30. "Why? I wanted to talk to them."

"They left because they were ready to go back. As far as you talking to them, you should have done that when they were here. You hardly spoke to them at all. The only time you even went near one of them was last night. You can't really expect them to be willing to stay if they're best friend won't even look at

"I know, you're right."

"What did you just say?"

"I said you're right. I was an asshole. I thought I was protecting them, when in reality, I was only hurting them. I shouldn't have let my fear get the best of me. I'm sorry that I did."

"It's okay, I'm just proud that you're finally you again. You're back to the girl who is always smiling. You're also wearing the clothes that you love. I couldn't be happier."

"I know. I'm glad I'm back too. Daddy, you wouldn't mind if I left right now, would you? I need to apologize to my friends. I mean my brother and-"

"And the guy you like?"

"My friend." I try to hide my blush.

"Your friend, sure. No, go ahead. I need to call and talk to your mom anyways."

"Good luck. I love you."

"You too. I love you too."

I kiss him on the cheek and run upstairs. I put a bunch of my old clothes in my suitcase, and go back down stairs. When I step outside, I see my dad called Andy's mom to take me to the airport. "Thanks for giving me a ride, Karen."

"It's not a problem, sweetie, your dad told me why you had to leave so suddenly. I hope everything works out."

"Thanks. Me too"

The rest of the ride is filled with small talk and country music. When we get to the airport, I bid Karen goodbye, and run inside. I bought a ticket for the plane that was fixing to board. I get on the plane and take my seat. Soon, we're taking off.

The flight seemed to take forever, but I guess it's because I was anxious to go see Andy and Kadan.

After I grab my bags, I head to where I parked my car over a week ago. After I finish loading my bags in my trunk, I walk around to the driver side. I freeze when I hear a familiar voice. "It's good to see you again. How was your trip back home?" That voice belongs to none other than Steven Anderson.

"That's none of your business."

"Oh, but it is."

"Whatever." He grabs my arm.

"You're coming with me, babe."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." He drags me to his car. He opens the passenger door, and throws me in the seat. He quickly walks over to his side and gets in. "Where are you taking me?"

"That's a surprise." Of course it is. He's going to take me somewhere and kill me.

We drive for a few minutes, and he pulls up in front of a club. What the hell? Why are we at a club? "It's time you show everybody the real you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know that you love to dance, but that you haven't in a while. It's time that you be yourself again. You see, I was helping the NYPD capture Blake and the people he hung out with. I want you to go inside and have fun."

"I just want to go hangout with my friends."

"Just go inside."

I get out of the car, and so does he. He walks me inside, and towards a group of guys. After a few minutes, he leaves. If he was helping the NYPD, why did he kidnap me and bring me here? And why did he threaten me? The guys start to grab at my ass and breasts. I keep throwing them off me. After about five minutes, I escape the group and go to the bathroom. Once I'm in there, I pull my phone out of my pocket.

I find Andy's name and hit call. His phone goes straight to voicemail. I end the call and try again. I get the same result. I decide to call Kadan instead. The phone starts to ring, thank goodness, but it continues to ring. Just when I think he's not going to answer, he picks up. "Jewels, what's wrong?"

"I was at the airport and ran into Blake's cousin, Steven. He pushes me in his car, and drove me to this club. Then he left me with this group of guys. I got away from them, and went into the bathroom. I called Andy, but I think his phone is turned off. I need a ride. Can you come pick me up?"

"I'm on my way. I'll see you soon."

"Okay. Thank you, Kadan."

"You're welcome, Jewels."

I leave the bathroom, and make my way outside. When I see Kadan's car, I sigh in relief. I climb in and we head off.

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