Chapter 14- Cashing In

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Julie's p.o.v

It's been a few weeks since I've seen Blake. Maybe he transferred or dropped out. I doubt it though. I feel like he's still close by, keeping an eye on me, although I never see him lurking anywhere. These past few weeks, I've been spending a lot of time with Andy and Kadan. They're fun to be around. Nothing's happened between Kadan and I, but I have this feeling that things are fixing to change between us. I look down at my phone and see it's 8:13. I'm supposed to be going and hanging out with the guys in about forty-five minutes. We're going to watch scary movies and pig out on pizza and other junk food.

The door to my dorm suddenly swings open and in walks Blake.

"It's about time you came back, we need to talk."

"Yeah, slut. We do need to talk. We need to talk about how you've been behaving."

"How I've been behaving? You're the one that has been MIA these past couple of weeks."

"I've been around, and from the looks of it, so have you."

"What are you talking about, Blake?"

"I'm talking about the fact that you've been sleeping around on me. I always knew you were a whore. That's why I told our entire high school that you were a slut. They believed me because I threatened them if they didn't."

"Bastard. We're over. I don't know how I survived being with you this long, but you're not going to be dragging me down any longer."

"You really think you can leave me? I've told you time and again that I own you. You come and go when I say, not as you please."

"You don't own me. I'm a human being, not a piece of property. If I want to leave, I will. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be."

I try to walk around him, but he grabs my arm. I try to break free of his grasp, but he only tightens his grip. "Let me go."

"You can't tell me what to do," he snarls. "I'm in control here. I get to tell you what to do." He pulls me back in the room and shuts the door. He throws me against the wall. "How does it feel to be put in your place, whore?"

"Why do you insist on being such a jackass?"

This only served to piss him off more. He walks over to me and punches me right in my stomach. Then, I guess just for the hell of it, he punches me in both sides. I clutch my sides and stomach, but this doesn't stop him. He hits me with blow after blow. The tears start falling. I almost feel like I'm going to be begging for my life. "Please, stop. I'll do anything you want."

He laughs at me. "Bitch, please. I'll stop when I want. You have no say in this situation whatsoever. Now keep your damn mouth shut." He goes back to punching me. "You're gonna pay for putting me through two and a half years of hell. I have been more than patient with you, and you still have yet to repay me properly. Tonight is the night I finally cash in, you little whore. You've been out there giving what belongs to me to those assholes down the hall. Maybe I'll go there next and teach them a little lesson."

"No! Don't you dare hurt them. They haven't done anything wrong and neither have I. So, please let me go." Now, I really am pleading for my life. He's going to kill me and then my friends. I have to find a way to stop him. I don't how I'm going to, though. He's really angry this time around. I can't just give him what he wants, because that'll mean he wins.

"I'll hurt them if I want. Now, I told you to shut your damn mouth. But you never listen, do you? I tell you how it's going to be, and you have the nerve to defy me. Well, no more. I'm sick and tired of being defied. Tonight, for once, you're going to do as I say. I don't want to hear you say a word. Do I make myself clear?"


"Good, but just to be sure." He pulls a roll of duct tape out of his jacket and rips a piece off. He places the piece of tape over my mouth. He picks me up off the floor and throws me on my bed. Then he rips my shirt off, only to be followed by my pants. Then all of a sudden I'm naked and feel a burning sensation. I try to cry out, but my cries are muffled by the tape on my mouth. Blake is smirking at me as he forces himself inside of me. He doesn't even seem to care that my face is soaking wet because of my tears. Before today, I never realized how heartless Blake was. I can't believe I gave him almost three years of my life, only to be repaid like this. I should have never agreed to go out with him. Maybe my life would be better off had I never even met him.

"Whore, I don't know why you're crying. I know you're enjoying it. I know that this your idea of fun. STOP crying!"

My tears only fall harder. Next thing I know, he smacks me across the face and I see stars. "I thought I told to shut up! Stop crying those damn tears!" He smacks me again. I know he told me to stop crying, but I just can't. Then suddenly his phone buzzes. "Looks like I have to end our entertainment early. I have another appointment I have to make. This isn't over." I didn't think it was possible, but the tears fall harder. He gets off of me and pulls his pants back up. I wait until he leaves before I pull the tape off my mouth. I look at my phone and see that it's only 8:33. I hope Andy and Kadan don't mind be being a half hour early.

I get off my bed and grab my coat. I quickly put it on, grab my phone, and head out the door. When I get to their dorm, I begin to knock obnoxiously on the door. I hear Andy say, "Hold your horses. I'm coming." I continue to knock until the door swings open. I push past him and run inside. He looks horrified. "Ju-Ju bear, what happened?"

Right after he asks, Kadan walks in the room. "Andy who was-" He trails off when he sees me looking so distraught. "Jewels what happened?"

I sit down on the edge of Andy's bed and begin to rock back and forth. I cry and cry until I feel like I might dehydrate. Both Andy and Kadan are kneeling in front of me, rubbing my back. When I finally compose myself, I croak out, "He raped and beat me."

In just a matter of seconds, their faces go from confused, to horrified, to angry. "Blake did this to you?" Kadan was the first to speak. I just nod. I feel like my voice would fail me if I tried to speak. Kadan lifts me up and sits on his bed with me in his lap. "Jewels, you know you need to go to the police, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"You also need to go to the hospital, Ju-Ju bear."

"Yeah, I do, but can it wait until tomorrow? I don't have the energy to do it tonight."

"If that's what you want, Jewels, then we'll wait."

Andy says to me, "I'm going to go pick-up some pain medicine. Do you need anything else?"

"I could use some chocolate ice cream, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. I'll be back soon. I love you, Ju-Ju bear."

"I love you too."

After he leaves, Kadan stands up and sets me on his bed. He starts rummaging through his closet and pulls out a t-shirt. Next, he heads to his dresser, and he pulls out a pair of pajama pants. "I'm going to head to your room and get your stuff. Do you want to come with me?"

"No. I don't want to go back in there."

"Okay. Go take a shower, and I'll bring you back some undergarments." He leans down and kisses the top of my head, and then hands me his clothes.


He leaves and I walk into the bathroom. I turn the water on and wait for it to get hot. I take off my coat and throw it on the floor. I step in the shower, and for the first time since the incident with Blake, I feel myself start to relax. Then there's a knock on the bathroom door. "Jewels, it's me. I have your necessities."

"Okay. You can bring them in."

The door opens, and shortly after, closes again. I take my time showering, because I'm already so sore. When I'm done, I get out and dry off. I put on the clothes Kadan gave to me. I then towel dry my hair with a separate towel. I walk out of the bathroom and Kadan is sitting on his bed, with open arms. As I make my way over, I see that he brought in some of my clothes. I still have a lot of important stuff in that dorm room, but it can wait. I sit down on Kadan's lap, and he begins to rub my back, my damp hair hitting his chest. I feel my eyelids getting heavy. Kadan whispers in my ear, "Go to sleep, Jewels. Don't fight it. You need to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day." With that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep on Kadan Harper's lap.

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