Chapter 21- Coming Home

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Julie's p.o.v.

My plane is fixing to land. I texted my dad an hour and a half ago, so he could be at the airport in plenty of time. He drives slower than most people.

When the plane lands, I get off and head to baggage claim. I spot my bags, and walk over to grab them. Right as I'm about to grab them, someone else does.

"Excuse me, those are my bags."

"I know. I bought them for you."

I know that voice, that's my dad.

"Daddy! I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Peaches. Let's go."

We walk outside, and head to my daddy's truck. Once we're inside, he turns to me. "Are you hungry?"


"Let's go get supper, and then we'll go to the house."


He pulls out of the airport and onto the road. He drives until he comes across a McDonald's. He pulls into the lot and parks. We get out and head inside.

We chat and catch up. After we're done, we leave and get back in his truck.

I get excited as my dad turns on the all too familiar dirt road. I haven't been here since August. I know it's only been a few months, but it seems like forever. I didn't notice it before, but I've been homesick.

He pulls into our drive and parks. We get out and take my suitcases up to the porch. While Daddy is unlocking the door, I spot my baby under the car port. My car, a black '80s Mercedes, is right where I left it. I can't wait to drive it again.

Once the door is open, I walk in and take a deep breath. It still smells like cinnamon, my dad's favorite scent.

"Your bedroom is all set up for you."

"Okay. Thanks, Daddy."

"Go get settled, and then we need to talk."

I knew that was coming. "I'll be down in a few minutes."

I make my way up the stairs, and into my old bedroom. It's just the way I left it. It has walls that are royal purple, my favorite color. My bedspread is still the same. It's black and has pink letters that read 'country music is life." My dad bought it for me for my birthday three yeas ago. I didn't take it to New York because Blake didn't want to stare at it all the time.

I put my suitcases by my closet. I'll unpack them later, I'm too lazy to do it right now.

I go back down stairs, and see my dad sitting on the couch. I head over, and sit beside him. "You know I love you, but why are you home four days early, Peaches?"

I take a breath before answering. "I had to leave. I told Andy and Kadan that I couldn't hang out with them anymore. So I left. I knew they would come ask questions, so I left."

"Why did you tell them you couldn't hang out with them, baby?"

"Blake's cousin, Steven, told me he'd kill us all if I continued to be friends with them. I was doing it to protect them."

"Baby doll, you can't let that boy control you forever. You need to ignore what they say, and live your life."

"I can't. I'm scared. I'm scared they'll make good on their threats. I don't want anything to happen to them. I feel like I'd be blamed for them getting hurt. I'm just trying to save as many people as I can from heartbreak."

"Peaches, nobody would blame you. You're not the one who's making them do what they're doing. As far as saving people from heartbreak, I think you need to reconsider your choice. You're hurting yourself by not talking to them. There's no telling what the guys are going through. Andy is your best friend, and Kadan, I see the way he looks at you. He likes you, honey."

"You're delusional."

"That may be, but at least think about what I said. I'm going up to bed. I love you, sweetheart."

"I will, I promise. I love you too."

My dad's right, I can't let Blake and his posse run my life anymore. I've already been ruined by them, but I don't know how to let go of the fear. Until I can, I won't talk to Andy and Kadan.

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