Chapter 7: Silver Lining

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18th October 2015

I still can't believe my luck. For the rest of my stay in Turkey, I was only giggling like a little girl. He was so handsome. And he called me 'beautiful eyes'. Ahhhh. But then I realized I was being childish. He was a salesperson! He has to flirt with every customer he had. Silly me. But I still couldn't get over the fact.

16th November 2015

My 3rd year of medschool starts today. I was excited because we started off with our clinical experience this year, but I was also worried as this was going to be our toughest semester.

3rd year proved to be tough not only academically, but otherwise too. I broke up with my boyfriend of two years, because I had reached past my breaking point. He was a jerk. A master puppeteer. He knew exactly which strings to pull to get me doing his work. He could play around with words. Even when he would be at fault for something, he would twist and turn the facts so well that he'd put the blame on you, and make you into believing it.

I loved him though, with all my heart and soul. I still don't know why. I went to extremes for him, without the care of the world. I used to deal with his lies, knowing they were lies. It was as if I was under some spell. I kept him on top of my priority list, on top of my studies, my family and my friends too. And he knew that very well, he knew I was easily manipulated and he knew he could take advantage of me for as long as he wanted.

I was basically his slave, cleaning up after the mess he used to create, every frikking time, teaching him the difficult topics, so that he could pass his exams, doing his assignments, so that the professors won't be mad at him. While he, on the other hand, flirted with other girls. By the mid of 3rd year, I had reached my breaking point, and so, I finally ended things with him.

In the initial stages of the breakup I was extremely depressed. And I owe it all to mother, for helping me battle through my depression and getting me back on track.

I had a very crappy relationship with my parents, especially my mom during my teenage years. I was, what you would call, a spoilt brat. I would never listen to my parents, rather I'd do the complete opposite to what I was told. I wouldn't study, I'd get below average grades, my room would be a mess, my books would be all over the place, I was actually a fat ball of hot mess. I could blame my raging teenage hormones for this, I mean it only seems fitting, but I won't because now when I look back at myself, I cringe at the way I used to be. And it was all intentional.

I hated myself for being the spoilt brat I was, considering the fact I was given whatever I asked, whenever I asked. But my behaviour changed once I got into my relationship with my now ex-boyfriend. No matter how big of an asshole he was, he did change me for the better. It was as if it took a 180° turn. I became more friendly, less psychopathic and antisocial.

I had a more positive approach towards life now, I was happy to my hearts content. And all because of my boyfriend. Apart from the jerk he was, he taught me to love, he made me a better sister, a better daughter, a better student and in all, a better human. Which was one of the reasons why I put up with him for two years, because I was afraid I would return to being the monster I was, if we broke up. But thankfully that didn't happen. At least for now.

My mom was now my best friend, I could share all my secrets with her. She even knew about my asshole of a boyfriend, although the society we lived in, strictly disapproved of such relationships, she didn't. She didn't approve of him though, but she supported me throughout, for the sake of my happiness.

After my breakup, my relationship, with my mom, grew stronger, we would go out for shopping (which, mind you, I still detest), go to the spa to get massages and mani/pedis, have a proper girls-day-out, go to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster films. We became the bestest of friends.

So I guess with every dark cloud, there is a silver lining. Whatever happens is for the best, I mean why shouldn't it be? Its in accordance with God's will!

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