Chapter 45: The Beginning Of The End.

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I wonder what is it that she wants to tell me. Is it about her parents? Or Saif? Or something else? Does she have second thoughts? Has she changed her mind? Is she never coming back? What is it?! The suspense is killing me! Sigh. I probably shouldn't think about it, it's only going to give me anxiety.


It has already been a week and 3 days since she promised she'll be back 'sooner than I know'. I thought 'sooner' meant a day or two, if not hours. I've been having sleepless nights since then, due to my anxiety. I kept provoking her to tell me, or at least drop a few hints, but she wouldn't budge. She was treating it like some top military secret. She did assure me it wasn't anything bad, but the curiosity was too much for me to handle. She wouldn't even let me know the day she would arrive. She kept it all a secret, and I hated it.

Fast forward to the 22nd of April, I was lying in bed, trying to get some shut eye, but every time I dozed off, I would have weird dreams, mostly of Nadine, which kept me up. One dream I had was of her turning into a flesh eating monster, who was satisfactorily devouring my head. Which was true to some extent, I mean, the curiosity was eating up my brain, which she knew very well of, and yet she chose to keep me in the dark. The other dreams weren't as scary and graphic as were heartbreaking. All in all, I couldn't sleep. The stress and anxiety had made me turn into an insomniac. And the lack of sleep drained all the energy from me, I felt nothing less than a zombie.

I got out of bed to make myself a cup of coffee, it was going to be a long night, might as well recharge myself with some caffeine. I went to the kitchen to prepare myself a cup. Midway through the process, I heard the doorbell ring. Who could it be at this ungodly hour? Is it Nadine? Who else could it be? It has to be her! I hurried my way to open the door. To my surprise, it wasn't Nadine. It was Sara. The CEO of the Iranian company who sponsored us in Iran, whom I slept with, jeopardizing our business there. And she was drunk like anything. The strange thing was I never mentioned my address to her. How did she find me? More importantly what was she doing here, in Istanbul? She immediately flung herself at me.

"Woah woah woah! Get it together woman." I separated myself from her. "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you." She said placing a kiss on my lips, while unbuttoning my shirt. Her kisses trailed down from my lips to my chest, leaving behind the lipstick marks.

"Stop it! Get back to your senses!" I pushed myself away from her, causing her to fall on the ground. "Shit! Did I kill her?"

But before I could go to check her, she stood up on her own, giggling, swaying from left to right because of all the alcohol in her system, and proceeded towards me. She tripped and fell, knocking herself out cold. Great!

"Let's get you to bed." I said holding her in my arms. I took her to my room since that was the only room that had a bed. I lay her down in my bed, tucking her in with the blanket. I turned away, but she grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me in. She cupped my cheeks in her hands, gently stroking it with her thumb, and she kissed me again, this time with a lot of passion. And I felt some heat generate in my body. This is not what I want. This is not what I should be doing! I pulled away, trying my best to resist, but my body craved for this. It had been way too long, and I was in desperate need, and right now I wasn't even sure whether Nadine would come back or not. It's like I was hypnotized. And due to such desperation, I kissed her back, trailing down my kisses from her lips to her neck. And before I knew it, our bare skin touched which further excited the stimulus. She moaned in pleasure, while running her hands through my hair, messing them up.

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