(Bonus) Chapter 50: Till We Meet Again...

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Song: See You Again-Charlie Puth


"Life is like an ECG. A healthy ECG is a combination of upward curves, downward deflections and the straight lines in between the two cycles, properly spaced, without overlapping each other. But in an ECG strip, if there are more ups than downs, it becomes a life threatening condition we call V tachy. And if we have more downs than ups, it's becomes another life threatening pathology I can't recall the name of. And if you see a straight line, for 5 minutes straight, it means that the person is dead. But in a perfect ECG strip you'd see all three things that I talked of earlier. Notice how I didn't call them pathologies? That's because when something's in perfect balance, it isn't a pathology, it only becomes one when it is in excess. Similarly, a perfect life should have a balanced amount of the good, the bad and the worse in it. Too much sadness or even happiness can be dangerous. You see, life isn't perfect. In actuality, it is far from being perfect.

Often times you hate how suck-ish your life is, specifically when nothing goes right, especially from the day you opened your eyes. I think it's totally normal to feel that way. While our elders may advise us to look on the bright side of life, be grateful for what we already have, and handle the situation with patience, I'd suggest quite the opposite-to scream and curse and shout and cry. Because it's better to let go off your feelings for once and for all, than to keep them bottled up and explode later on.

It's okay to feel sad, it's okay to feel sorry for yourself, it is completely normal! It's okay to sit in your pyjamas all day and do nothing but binge watch all your favorite shows and eat whatever junk you want to. It is completely okay! Let it out of your system for good! To live a good, healthy life, you need to remove all the toxic materials, including your negative emotions. Let it all go. But once it's out, don't prolong the sloppy condition you're living in.

Give yourself a month, or maybe two, or three, depends on how fast you recover, but do recover. Because this life is too short to drown yourself in the sorrows and miseries, of the world, they're all temporary, just like this world. Think about the life hereafter, now that's permanent. Think about all the things you will have there that you could only wish for in this temporary life. Think of all the beautiful souls you would be reunited with. Don't waste your life sulking over things you couldn't prevent. Once it's done it can't be undone! So forget about what you can't change and focus on what you can change. You never know when your time would be up, so live your life in a way that won't make you regret your decisions on your deathbed! Good luck!"



17th October, 2065


"Hey beautiful eyes. Remember me? Your good looking Turk in his mid seventies is here to see you. Promised you I'll be back, well I kept my promise, and here I am. Yes yes, I know I met you yesterday, but I couldn't stop thinking of you once I left. I just wanted for the night to end soon so that I could return to you my love... I miss you babe..."

It has been over 42 years-42 years, 3 months and 25 days to be exact, since my whole world turned upside down. Since Nadine left, rather, was taken away, from me. All because of the jealousy Saif had in his heart. Jealousy is a really dangerous feeling. Once you're stuck in the wrath of jealousy, you are towards your doom, quite literally. Take Saif for instance, all it took was a bit of jealousy, to ruin the lives of everyone he knew. He was selfish, amongst the various other nasty things he was, number one: being a monster. And his selfishness and jealousy is what took away Nadine's life.

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