Chapter 29: When All Else Fails, There's Family.

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I entered my house, mentally prepared for all the questions that would be bombarded towards me. As soon as I entered my parents began a surgical strike on me with all their questions.

"What took you so long beta?" My father asks as soon as I entered the house.

"Where were you? We were worried sick!" My overly concerned mother questions.

"Paradise." I whispered.

"What?" My mother asks.

"Huh? Oh nothing." I said, coming back to my senses. I pause for a moment then proceed, "Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you." I said as my hands started to shiver.

"What is it?" My mother asked.

"I'm really exhausted, both physically and emotionally. It was a really long day for us, I went with Saif to distribute all the cards, which we did."

"And?" My father asked.

"Well, turns out he can't keep it in his pants!" I raised my hands up in the air.

"What do you mean? Are you crazy? You couldn't have waited another 2 days, you idiot!" My mother started scolding me.

"Easy there Amma. Don't jump to conclusions. Let me rephrase that." I continued, this is what I was talking about earlier, when people completely misunderstand what I say. "I found him cheating on me with another girl, only because I wouldn't provide him with the pleasure he needed because of his testosterone rush."

"What! Saif? That's crazy!" My mother exclaimed.

"As crazy as it may sound, its true, I saw it with my own eyes." I replied.

"Oh beta.." she said as she tried to comfort me with her hug, "I didn't mean that. I never doubted you. Its just very hard for me to digest that Saif would do such a thing."

"It was for me too." I replied, "but here we are. Guess we shouldn't trust so easily. But before you ask, I'm fine. I'm grateful I saw how big of a jerk he is before I could be encaged to spend my entire life with him." I let out a big sigh of relief, realizing I don't have to fake anything anymore. "Anywho, after all this, it only seems fitting that we call off the wedding." I stated the obvious.

"Well obviously." My father replied.

"I'm sorry for the monetary loss, I'll pay you back everything." I promised my parents.

"Don't you dare take those words out of your mouth, Nadine." My father said sternly.

"But Baba. Its yours and Amma's hard earned money. I'm sorry but this was my fault. I should've known better."

"How is this your fault?" My mother asked. "Your fault was to tell him no? Or was it your fault he cheated on you? No it wasn't. This wasn't your fault! It was his fault that he couldn't wait another 2 days. And as far as the financials are concerned, you need not pitch in anything. You understand?" My mother replied.

"I'm sorry Amma, I can't do that. I'd be happier if you accept this right now and pitch in for my actual wedding." I replied.

"But beta..." my father tried to convince me.

"I'm sorry. If you won't accept this right now, I'll have to transfer the money to your account and I don't know how this banking shit works." I replied with a laugh. "What if I transfer it to someone else's account?"

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