Chapter 17: A Proposal

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Song: Night Changes-One Direction



Although I was going to visit my parents in January, I took a few days off and went to England to meet with Saif. I wanted to get away from all the drama that was going between Mehmet and me. So escaping to the person who actually cared for me and was a thousand times less dramatic, was the best plan I could think of. Besides I was actually planning to surprise Saif, for his birthday. He didn't know I would be coming to meet him. The funny thing is, both of us have our birthdays in December, 6 days apart. And since our cute, romantic moment in the balcony, and the late night Skype calls that followed, it only seemed right to celebrate them together.

Since Karachi hardly ever experiences winters, and we never experience snowfall, I really wanted to have a taste of the cold and snowy winters. Saif lived in the capital-London- I had never been to London, ever. I had been to the States a couple of times, but never to London. Everything was so different here, when you compare it to the States, but not as different as it was in Istanbul. The same cobblestone streets, the well preserved architecture. Yes. It was a beautifully kept city.

I knew where Saif lived since he mentioned it in almost every call that we used to have. I opened my GPS and entered the location and started walking towards my destination.

Piccadilly, Mayfair, Park Lane, Trafalgar Square, Bond Street. I was familiar with all these names like any other kid who had played Monopoly, but right now I was passing through Trafalgar Square and I felt, absolutely, awesome-azing. Yes, that's the correct word for the unexplainable feeling that I had, haha. I don't know why I was so fascinated by the fact that I passed through a place I used to build houses and hotels over when playing Monopoly with my cousins. And you'd think that a girl who has traveled to so many places would be able to keep her calm, but instead she acted like she was just brought to the City directly from a very backward village.

Anywho, after about half an hour, I finally reached his place. It was still early, early for him. But I knocked at his door. To my surprise he was awake. Yay. At least I don't have to knock twice.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Open up you big fat weirdo." I said, jokingly of course.

He literally shrieked when he saw me. "Oh my God! What are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise you, idiot. Happy birthday in advance." I said as I planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Come on, come inside." He helped me in with my suitcase. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have come to pick you up from the airport."

"Then it wouldn't have stayed a surprise, now would it? Besides," I continued, "I didn't get you anything for your birthday, so consider this as your present." I blurted a laugh.

"Well its good to have you here." He said as he came close and kissed me, "I really missed you."

"I missed you too, babe."


It was the day before my birthday, and Saif took me out to explore the city. I was filled with joy and excitement. And the best part is, no matter how crazy and jumpy I was, Saif didn't mind any of it. If anything, he was actually enjoying the sight of this crazy, childish Nadine. Something I'd normally hide, unless I was around people I was comfortable with. I was very comfortable around Saif, mainly because, I have known him since college, and we have been the best of friends. And even though he made things pretty awkward the last time he gave me a surprise visit, by technically running away after the kiss, but right now, everything was perfectly normal, like it should have been in the first place and I was the happiest person alive.

"Ooh ooh ooh can we please get on the ferris wheel pleaaaaase." I pestered as if I was a little child.

"Sure we can, but we'll go there after we've had something to eat."

"But I really want to go right now." I insisted. I even tried the puppy-dog-eye technique, which seemed to have worked a bit.

"Okay dumbo. But I'm starving! Can we at least have a corn dog before going?"

"Fine. Lets have that corn dog so that we can explore some more." I replied with a frown.

"Haha well I know just the thing to do to change your mood." he said.

"And what is that?" I asked.

He came closer, and leaned in, and just as I was about to think he'd kiss me, he messed up my hair and ran away like a little boy.

"Hahaha. Fooled you! Catch me if you can." As he ran towards the crowd.

"Saif! Uh! I will get you for this!" I screamed as I ran behind him, but he was too fast for me and I lost him in the crowd.

"Fine! I'm going to the ferris wheel on my own Saif!" I screamed hoping he would come out of the place he was hiding. Yes I was behaving like a child but he was worse. But honestly I didn't mind that at all. He was a child at heart. And I really loved that because I could actually be weird around him without him judging me.

When I finally made it to the ferris wheel I saw Saif already there with one and a half eaten corn dog in his hand.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting for the past 10 minutes." He complained as if I was the one who disappeared and not him.

"Well you shouldn't have left me in the first place, dumbo." I said as I ran towards him and messed his hair to get back at him, "now lets go" as I gestured towards the ferris wheel.

We got into the ferris wheel, there was no one on it except for us. Strange. It stopped when we reached the top. Stranger.

"Uh, what happened? Why did it stop?" I freaked out.

"You'll get to know in a moment." He replied

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Patience girl. There's something I want to show you."

"Uh Saif?"

"Just wait for 2 more minutes."

"What is going to happen after 2 minutes?" I asked, puzzled as ever.

"Something out of this world." He replied.

"Uhhh okaaay..."

2 minutes later, the clock struck 12. The new day started. It was my birthday.

Saif took out a red satin box and opened it. Inside it was a ring. It wasn't very fancy or expensive, it seemed more like a promise ring than an engagement ring.

"Uh Saif. What is this?" I was really freaking out at this point.

"I wanted to give you this ring the day I came to meet you, but everything got so awkward that day, that I left without fulfiling the whole purpose of the surprise visit." He waited for me to say something.

My eyes widened and my heart started pounding. I was left speechless, my brain could not process what was happening.

He then continued, "I guess I've never told you, but I really love you. Will you accept this ring as my promise to you for us to be together forever?"

Was this a proposal? Was he actually proposing to me? But isn't it too early? We've only dated for a month.

"Nadine?" He said trying to bring me back to reality, "are you there?"

"Huh, yes. Saif. I don't know what to say."

I wasn't sure whether I loved him or not. Yes I crushed over him back in college, and now we were in a relationship. But did I love him? I was still unsure about this.

"Take your time, babe. I'll wait for you." He said calmly.

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