Chapter 47: All's Well That Ends Well?

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22nd June, 2023

5:36 p.m.


They say it only takes a minute for your life to turn upside down, well for me, it only took a second.

"Mehmet! Look out!" I screamed as I ran towards him as fast as I could, stepping into the wet, muddy grass, dirtying my beautiful white dress because I could imagine what was going to happen next. Saif reached in his pocket and took out his revolver. His finger was a thousandth of a millimeter away from pulling the trigger. He saw me run towards Mehmet and that probably triggered him as he pulled the trigger without any hesitation.




"Ah!" The bullet projected from the gun and struck, penetrating through skin and flesh, more soon than ever there was a pool of blood all over the ground. Our dresses were stained with blood.


9:32 a.m.

"Amma! Where's my dress?" I yelled from the washroom.

"Its right here Nadine! Stop panicking will you?" My mom placed my freshly ironed wedding dress on the bed.

"I have to get ready for my photo shoot. Has the hairdresser arrived?"

"Everyone's here, calm down, there are still 9 hours left for the reception! Now calm down! And be careful while getting out of the shower, I don't want you limping at your own wedding!" My concerned mother warned me from behind.

"Don't worry Amma, I'll be careful. Tell Mariha to fetch me my makeup kit so that I can simultaneously do my makeup while getting my hair styled."

"I don't know why you're rushing so much, it's as if you've to catch a flight!" My mother said feeling annoyed.

"Just excited!" I giggled.

The day had finally arrived, the day I would get married, the day I became Mrs. Mehmet. As much as I was excited, I was nervous, pre wedding jitters I'm guessing. I wanted everything to be perfect, and on time. Although there were still 9 hours to the reception, I was still rushing everything, which not only annoyed my mother, but everyone else too. I immediately got out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel I went out and slipped into my beautiful white gown. It was pretty simple, yet elegant. It was kind of like Princess Aurora's dress, just white instead of pink. I asked for the hairdresser to come in to start styling my hair while I did my make up. It didn't take me long to do my make up, since I kept it very natural and simple. I hated how the brides back in Pakistan, have a very strong and bold look going on, on the day of their wedding, whether they like it or not. And to top it all off, they have to wear that bright red, or maroon wedding dress that is covered with heavy embroidery making the dress twice its actual weight. I preferred keeping it very simple, and luckily enough, I could.


Convincing my parents wasn't a difficult task, we left out the small detail of me being pregnant, didn't want to give them too much of a shock at first, and they would figure out, eventually. We set the date for the 22nd of June, which gave us only a month and a half for the preparations. But luckily enough, all the preparations were done just on time. After coming back from Karachi, we went on a house hunt, and it didn't take us long before we found the perfect little house.

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