Chapter 41: Bad Blood

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Not having met Nadine for more than 3 days was killing me, but I was so busy with my work that I couldn't actually take out anytime for her. We did talk on messages though, I didn't neglect her completely this time on. I couldn't, it wouldn't have been fair on my part, considering she was now my fiancée. Although, she never complained when I wasn't available, which is one of the things I liked about her. She respected my personal space and wasn't too clingy or needy, which otherwise, seems adorable at first, but often tends to get suffocating, after the honeymoon phase comes to an end.

I was going to surprise her on the first day of Spring, early morning, before she left for her shift, with a big bouquet of red roses, but instead I was left surprised with all the chaos and blood splatter. It seemed as if a hurricane struck her house. Everything was a mess. Her books were all over the place, the door had scratch marks, as if an animal or beast was trying to escape, or get in, there was blood on the floor, with a bloody umbrella stick. I immediately called her to ask where she was, how she was. She sounded traumatic on the phone call.

I rushed to her hospital as soon as I learned of where she was. She was still in her pyjamas, her white T-shirt and hands were covered with blood, her hair was a disheveled mess, she looked more traumatic than she sounded over the phone. Her eyes were red and there were dried streams of tears on her cheek. She was expressionless, while her skin was white, cold and clammy, as if someone drained all the blood from her.

I still didn't know what was going on. She kept looking into the room where the doctors were with the patient. When I got a closer look of the patient, I felt a mixture of emotions; I felt surprised, confused, anger, hatred, all at once. The bastard had returned! What was he doing here! And why did Nadine bring him here? What was going on?! I had so many questions, but I stayed quiet, realizing it wasn't the right time to fire all these questions at her. She kept staring at Saif, while the doctors tried their best to stop the bleeding and followed the protocol that was required. The police had arrived, and they were trying to question Nadine, but she gave no reply, probably because of all the shock. I tried asking them to let me talk to her to aid with the investigation, but them being the stubborn people they were, didn't budge.

"Please, let me talk to her!" I begged them.

"Sorry sir, we cannot let you go near her. She is the only witness, and suspect in this case. We will not let you see her unless she gives her statement." He said with a straight face.

"Can't you see. She's traumatized! She can't give any statement in this state of mind! At least let me speak to her, she'll feel more comfortable around me. I can help you with this investigation!"

"Sir, please. Let us do our work our way. Don't be a hindrance in our work please." The officer said bluntly.

"Fine!" I replied sarcastically and took a seat away from the officers and Nadine. Although I felt sympathetic for her, I had a lot of questions. My insecurities kicked in, fueling my doubts. Ugh! I hated that. This was not the time to doubt Nadine, I should be there for her, instead of sitting far away from her. I should at least give her a chance to get to know the complete story before jumping to conclusions. But I couldn't, mainly because the officers wouldn't let me speak to her and partly because I was mad, more at myself than at her, although, I know I shouldn't. It probably wasn't even her fault. But which is why I was madder at myself. About 2 hours later, one of the police officers came to me to give me the worst possible news ever.

"You can meet with your fiancée now, she might need you at this point, she requires a lot of emotional and mental support."

"What happened to her?!" I jumped out of my seat.

"The victim, Mr. Saif, tried to rape her."

"That fucktard! I knew he wasn't going to stop! I should've known better! I'll kill him!"

"Calm down, Mr. Mehmet! Or else we'll have to take you into custody too." He continued, "She claims he barged into her house and got on top of her, and her act was an act of defense. Now being a legal officer, I have to do a lot of investigation on this, we have to wait until Mr. Saif wakes up and hear his part of the story to come to a conclusion, till then, we will keep Ms. Nadine under custody. That does not mean we will put her into jail, she would be kept under observation till we get a statement from Mr. Saif. Whether the truth or a lie."

"But he will lie! I'm telling you! He attacked me once before back in Karachi when I went for my business!"

"And who will vouch for that?" He asked bluntly.

"The bystanders of course." I said stating the obvious.

"Well can you ask them to give their statement in our department?"

"Sir, it's not possible to call them all the way from Pakistan to Tur--"

"Well then, it's settled," he interrupted me, "we can't actually believe you, unless we hear it from the witnesses. You should pray that he doesn't die, or this will be a completely different case." He said with a rather cold tone. "However," he continued, "we will keep that attack in mind."

"Can I at least go and meet Nadine?" I said feeling completely helpless and defeated.

"Yes you can, but only for a while. 5 minutes max." He ordered.

"Okay." I said as I rushed towards her.

She was still in complete shock, her eyes were completely red from all the crying. I just went and hugged her. I didn't say anything. Tears rolled down her face, she began sobbing uncontrollably.

"He made me turn into a murderer." She said while wiping her tears.

"He's a monster, and you only did what was right, you had to save yourself. You've done nothing wrong!" I tried consoling her.

"But no one believes me. They think I did this out of anger and hatred!"

"They're just going according to their protocols babe, don't worry everything will be fine once Saif wakes up." I tried assuring her, and indirectly assuring myself.

"What if he doesn't? What if he never wakes up? What if I go to jail forever?"

"Babe, I know you'd want to hit me when I would say this, but everything will be fine, just trust me!" I said gently stroking her hair.

"I'm really scared Mehmet, I'm really very scared!" She buried her face into my chest as if trying to find closure or protection. God I wish I was there for her, I wish I had protected her from all this! I wish I had took my encounter with Saif more seriously, I wish I had asked her to take the necessary precautions, I wish I was there for her at that time and thrown in a few punches at him. Ugh! I hate myself so much for not being there for her when I should've! If something bad happens to her, I will never ever forgive myself! And neither will I forgive the asshole! I held her tight in my arms, trying to give her physical reassurance, when I heard the nurse yell.

"Doctor, the patient has regained consciousness!" I heard the nurse scream from behind.

"Oh thank God!" She breathed a sigh of relief!

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