Chapter 36: Revenge

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Yes I made a big mistake, but we could've worked it out by talking, if she gave me a chance to speak! Her behaviour wasn't justified! How could she just walk out on us after I've waited for so long? How could she just throw the ring on my face and end the relationship that I spent months, if not years to build? I was always insecure about the relationship, mainly because I thought it was too good to be true. And she knew that. Yet, she conveniently, fuelled up my insecurities with every chance she got.

If she would have just, for once, said she loved me, even as a lie none of this would have ever happened! We were engaged and to be married in the next 2 days, but she ran off with that Turkish dude. What should I make of it? It seems as if she was having an affair with him and the frigidity wasn't to maintain the sacredness of our marriage, but because she was already receiving the gratification from her lover. Wait... what if its true?

Come to think of it, it all makes sense now. It most definitely wasn't a coincidence. The flowers at her door the day I met her in Istanbul, her 'reservations' towards me, her staying back in his hotel room, alone with just him, her running off with him to the middle of nowhere, immediately after our very public breakup, doing God knows what, and 3 days later, him showing up at her house just after we broke things off. Fuck! The pieces fit! She was having an affair!

I am an idiot! Wow! She fooled me! But she couldn't do it for long. Because neither am I blind, or dumb, or both, that I would look past this without ever noticing what was going behind my back? He's much more handsome than I am, he knows where she lives! He probably earns more than I do! Both of them live in the same city while I live 1,900 miles away! How could I be so stupid?! Of course she was snooping behind my back! But does she think she can get away with this without my knowledge? She had the audacity to point fingers at me while she did the exact same thing! I will never forgive her for all the pain she has caused me.

I crushed over her since kindergarten, I've seen all her phases; the cute pre-pubertal phase, the weird pubertal phase, and the smoking hot phase, and never for a moment did my feelings change towards her. I was there for her when she needed me, when she was going through shit with her ex, even when she treated me like crap, because I loved her and I cared deeply for her. I rented out the entire Ferris wheel just to propose to her! I had to convince her with a 15 minute speech to marry me while she was willing to break up with me! And after all of this, she didn't even think twice before taking off her ring and throwing it at my face for a sin that she committed too? Because why would she? She needed a way out and my silly mistake was the one she used as an excuse to end things while she could make love to the guy without having the guilt of cheating on me! Hypocrisy at its peak! But if she thinks she will get away with it so easily, she is wrong. I will have my revenge. I will not let them win so easily. Both of them will have to suffer! I will get her and her Turkish lover boy for this!

Next stop-Istanbul.

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