Chapter 35: The Heart Wants What It Wants

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I know how she felt, her anger was justified, but in my defense, we were on a break! She had all the right to be angry at me, but I at least deserved a chance to speak. And lets face it, she was over reacting just a tad bit. She should understand that back then I was sad and lonely, I lacked companionship, and Deniz gave me what I required, no matter what kind of companionship it was even though I did, unsuccessfully, try to fight back the urge, but my loneliness got the best of me.

If I was to be completely honest, I actually thought Deniz and I could be a thing. I longed for a relationship where we could act like those cheesy couples, who never leave each other's sight, who publicly display their affection which can gross everyone out. Maybe it was the lack of companionship, or maybe just my weak will power, or the intoxicating influence of the alcohol, but for a moment there, I was confident that this is what I wanted. I considered her as my New Year's miracle probably for the same reasons. But more soon that ever I realized that this wasn't what I wanted. What I wanted was to be with the girl, who was 1,897 miles away from me, probably wrapped around in Saif's arms right now. I could have created a fuss about that, but I didn't because, well, we weren't dating back then.

But what could I do right now? Nothing. I had to respect her decision. I couldn't explain myself to her either, she didn't let me speak for starters, which was unfair on her part, but such is life. She asked me to give her some space but I know it is a polite way to say that we're breaking up. For now I could only listen to what she said and just cling on to that ray of hope, for things to get better.

I went to the bar to drown my miseries. I must've drank like a fish, because I don't recall of the events that followed after. What I remember is waking up, with a really bad hangover, to the delicious smell of scrambled eggs and toast, in the same bed where I spent the night with Nadine the day before, in nothing but my boxers and an overly sized T-shirt, wrapped up in a warm blanket. What happened? How did I get here? I untangled myself to get up and search for my clothes, but due to the excruciating headache that I had, I loss my balance and fell with a loud thud. After regaining my balance I saw Nadine, wearing her white Doctor's coat, standing in front of me, with a tray containing the breakfast she prepared, probably for me. She said nothing, she just had a sad, disappointed expression drawn on her face. She went back to the kitchen and came with two aspirins and a glass of water.

"Here. Take this, it will help you with your hangover." She said handing me the tablets.

"How did I get here? What happened last night? Where are my clothes?" I bombarded all my questions at her.

She took a deep breath and then began, "Calm down. I received a call from you last night at 2 a.m. you sounded terrible, and I couldn't make any sense out of what you said, you eventually cut the line. When I called back, the bartender received, he told me you passed out, so I came to pick you up, after asking him the address of the bar, obviously. I didn't know where you live, and neither did he, so I did the next best thing, bring you here. You emptied your gastric contents in my car on the way back, and since I don't own any menswear, I bought this last night for you on the way back. Your clothes are in the dryer, the breakfast is already prepared as you can see, I made lemonade for you, its in the refrigerator, it might cure your hangover. I was going to leave you a note but you woke up earlier than I expected."

I was so embarassed. I created a fool of myself. And I did exactly what I was told not to! I am such an idiot. I didn't know what to say that would sound appropriate at this time, I didn't want to look more stupid in front of her. So I said the safest thing that came to my mind.

"I'm sorry."

"What?" She asked arching an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry that I was such a big problem for you last night. I'm sorry that I called you when you made it clear that you required some space, I'm sorry that I dirtied your car, I'm sorry for everything... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about Deniz before, I'm sorry that this happened yesterday, I'm sorry. I was extremely depressed and lonely on New Year's Eve and I thought she would make a good companion, but later on the course of the night I realized this isn't what I wanted, what I wanted was you. I'm s---"

She kissed me, interrupting me midway. At first I didn't realize what happened, but when I did I kissed her back.

"Its alright Mehmet. I'm sorry too, we weren't dating back then. I should've given you a chance to speak. I'm sorry for that. And you are right, I did over react just a tad bit."

Wait what? How does she know that I said that? Did I say it out loud? I looked at her with astonishment and she giggled and said.

"You blurted quite a few things last night in my car, one of them being I over reacted, to which I now agree. I should've given you a chance to speak."

I felt my cheeks turn rosy due to the embarassment that I felt. "I'm sorry for that too." I said shyly.

"You don't need to be Mehmet, I was irrational, to begin with, I'm sorry about that." She said as she placed a kiss on my cheek. "Oh my, look at the time. Its 9 a.m. already! I'm running late for work. I have to leave, sorry for having to go so abruptly." She said as she rushed to get her stethoscope and car keys.

"It's alright, don't rush. Remember, its better to be late than never to be there." I warned her.

"Haha. Okay Sir." She replied sarcastically, "do take the medicine after you've had your breakfast. And don't forget to lock the door when you leave, the keys are under the mat, you already know that." She replied with a smirk raising an eyebrow.

"Okay I'll do that, I'll see you later. Oh and just so you know, I'll be at the same place that we met" I said with a smirk.

"Well then, this time invite me in for some coffee." She winked and placed a peck on my lips before she made her way to the stairs.

"I'll be sure to, my love. Drive safe." I said as I waved goodbye.

Wow, what a great way to begin the day with, I no longer have that nauseating headache, thankfully, and everything settled on its own with Nadine. It feels as if nothing happened the day before, every puzzle piece fits into its place. I just hope it remains the same throughout.

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