Chapter 49: Farewell My Love...

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Song: Moments-One Direction



"No! I won't give up!" I reached to my pocket to fetch my phone. I hurriedly unlocked it to call for an ambulance, but there was no reception in the middle of the forest. "Work you piece of shit! Work!" I swayed it left to right in attempt to catch the signals.

"Meh-met..." Nadine said, aching in a lot of pain. "It's of no use." It was evident that her breathing was very strained.

"No Nadine! I won't give up on you so easily! You're strong!" I said still trying to search for some signals. "Finally!" I exclaimed when my phone caught some signals.

"Meh-met. Pl... please." She said with much more difficulty and pain.

"I'm right here my love, just hang in there! The ambulance is on its way, just stay strong! Don't give up!" I squeezed her hand tightly.

"Meh-met, both... both of us know I won't sur-sur-vive." She gasped for air in between. "Let me.... let me cheh-hrish my last moh-ments with... with you..."

"I'm right here kızım, I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you!" I assured her, although I was indirectly assuring myself. I knew there was a possibility of her being right, but I didn't want to lose the ray of hope I had.

"Meh-met, it's use-less..." She said with more difficulty, "I'm dy... dying..." Her beautiful eyes had lost their twinkle.

"No! You're not! Just hang in there! The ambulance will be here in a minute!"

"Meh-met, just... hold me... in your arms... one last time." She said.

"You're not going anywhere! You will live!" I said before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Mehmet, just... just listen... please..." She gasped for air.

"I am! I am aşkım! I'm right here!"

"Canım, teşekkür, (thank you)... for giving me the most... the most beautiful 7 years and 9 months." A tear rolled down her cheek, "it was... it was indeed a roller... roller coaster ride. But, I... I enjoyed every minute of it."

"Oh Nadine!" I held her tightly in my arms, "I love you canım benim, you're the best thing that could ever happen to me."

She smiled, but her eyes were lifeless, her skin became cold and clammy. I hoped for this to be another dream, but it all seemed so real. I pinched myself to wake up from this bad dream, but it wasn't a dream. It was reality.

"Oh Mehmet, I.. I lo---" her breath hitched in between.

"Shush! Now don't say another word, save your breath! Okay?"

She smiled again, but it immediately turned into a grimace. She was in a lot of pain, I could feel it. A few more tears rolled down her face. She opened her mouth to take one last breath.

"I love you, more than I love anything, more than my shop, more than my work, more than myself, more than my life! I love you with every drop of blood running through my veins, with every muscle fiber I have in my body. You are the love of my life, my reason to live, to breathe, to go through the day. You are my everything! Just stay with me, please!" I begged her.

She gave a smile, amidst all the pain, "Oh Mehmet... I... love... you too..." And with that she breathed her final breath.

"Nadine? Nadine?! Wake up! No you can't leave me! No Nadine! Wake up! Look the ambulance is here! Nadine wake up! God dammit wake up girl!" I shook her lifeless body, vigorously in attempt to wake her up from her deep slumber. "No! You can't leave me! You can't leave me all alone! Wake up! No!" I screamed, and cried, and screamed again. Louder than I ever have. "What did you do you monster! What did you do! I fucking hate you Saif!"


We forget that life is shorter than we take it to be, we always take everything for granted, never knowing when our time would be up. We are so indulged in our lives that we completely forget about death, although it's something we should always have on mind, because right now, seeing Nadine, in my arms, with the blood stained white dress she had on, reminded me of how close we are to death. She died, rather was murdered, while saving me. She gave up her life for me, and what sucks is the fact that I couldn't do anything for her.

I can't forgive myself, at least not in this life, for not being able to save her, for not being able to protect her from the devil in disguise. She was right, he was a monster. And right now, I wanted to bring him back to life, only to kill him again, and if he hadn't done it himself, I would not have hesitated to do the honors. I wish he would rot in the deepest pits of hell. I don't care if I sound cruel, or heartless, he took away the love of my life, the reason for me to live. And I hated him. I hated him with every ounce of blood running through my veins!

And then it dawned upon me. What will I tell her parents? Her sister? Her grandfather who was looking forward to walking her down the aisle? What face would I take to them when I break them the news of their loved one not being in this world? How will I tell them that I couldn't save her, when I vowed to do just that? What will I do?


A father lost his most beloved daughter, a grandfather lost his favorite grandchild, a mother lost her best friend, a brother lost his sister who'd he have playful fights with, a sister lost her confidant. And me? I lost everything. My love, and my daughter, my reason to smile, my reason to breathe, to stay alive. I lost the person who'd give me energy to go through my day. The person whom I was going to spend my entire life with. The person whom I vowed to stay with together forever. The person who promised me she'll never leave me, but now did, leaving me dull and lifeless. The person whom I loved the most, my Nadine.

Nadine's mother was in a complete state of shock, and so were the rest of her relatives. They were completely heartbroken and wrecked, and so was I, naturally. Who could have thought such a terrible thing would happen? No one. Not even in their wildest dreams. But reality ruins everyone. She was buried according to the Islamic rituals. Her relatives flew back to Pakistan a few days after the funeral. And I was once again left all alone with just the memories, that would haunt me for the rest of my life.

The 22nd of June was supposed to be a happy day for us. We were going to start a new life together, welcoming our baby girl in the next 6 months. But we weren't destined to live that happy storybook ending. No matter how you plan your future, your fate has already been written. And unfortunately, you cannot alter it or fight it. If you're fortunate, you'll lead a perfect life, where you'll have love and happiness, and live a life without struggles. And if you're unfortunate, like me, you'll end up all alone, sad and miserable, like me. Although I must admit, I was lucky enough to have spent the most beautiful 6 months with Nadine, but I cannot deny that I was unfortunate it couldn't last for the rest of my life.

If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time...

Farewell my love, till we meet again.

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