Chapter 24: The Rush

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"Mom! Where are you?" I shouted as I rushed down the stairs still in my pjs.

"What is it Nadine?" She replied in annoyance. "Why are you screaming on the top of your lungs so early in the morning?"

"Oh you're in the kitchen. I need to talk to you about something."

"Well what is it?" She asked.

"Can we go out? For a movie or something? Its important."

"Can't you see I'm in the middle of making this chocolate mousse? Can't it wait?"

"Its urgent Amma!"

"So speak. Why do we need to go out to talk? Why can't you say whatever you want to say, here?

"Here? In the kitchen? With all these sharp pointy objects around? No thank you." I chuckled.

"What did you do?" She turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing Amma. Chill." I continued, "its about Saif."

"Don't tell me you did something stupid with him Nadine."

"I didn't." I lied.

"Then what is it, girl?"

"I wasn't completely honest with you when I told you about Saif."

"What do you mean?" She asked like a concerned mother. "What have you done?!"

"Amma! Calm down please! Its not what you think. Would you let me explain first?"

"Okay. Speak."

"I didn't tell you about all the details of my trip."

"I don't want to know the details, girl!" She replied with a disgusted face.

"Ufh Amma! Calm down will you? Don't jump to conclusions." I tried my best to convince her. "Saif proposed to me on my birthday."

"Oh!" Her tone completely changed, "How? When? Where? What did you say? Did you say yes?"

"Calm down Amma!" I said for like the sixth time. "I didn't say anything to him."

"Are you crazy? You should have said yes!" She smacked my head.

"I didn't know about your and Dad's reaction. I wanted to be sure before I took a decision."

"Whatever you decide, we shall support you on it. We really like Saif. He's always been such a sweetheart." She replied.

"So you approve of our marriage?" I asked.

"Yes my child! We approve. You have our blessings."

"Great! Now coming to the real thing.."

"Wait. There's more?" She arched her eyebrow.

"Yes, mother." I replied. "Saif is on his way to Karachi. I've extended my stay for a few more days. After a long talk we both agreed on getting married 4 days from now." I waited for her to reply.

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