Chapter 42: The Aftermath

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"I was only trying to let loose of his grip. I didn't mean to knock him out cold." I tried explaining the police officer.

"But is there anyone to vouch for that?" He asked bluntly.

"Unfortunately no. But why would I lie about such a big thing? And do you really think I'd bring him to my own hospital if I had plans of killing him? I could have left him alone, at my place drowning in his own blood, and left the country! But I didn't, because it was an accident. It was an act of self defense!"

"We've heard you, ma'am, but we have to wait for Mr. Saif's statement, that is, if he does. Till then you're going to be kept under observation. Your fiancé can meet you but only for a limited amount of time."

I sighed, in defeat. I kept crying, my eyes were red and swollen, it felt as if they were all out of tears. I kept praying to God, for Him to not turn me into a murderer, because if God forbid, that happened, I knew this case would take a completely different turn. When Mehmet hugged me from behind, I couldn't help but let out a few more tears, but it felt so warm and cozy in his arms, I felt like I was protected, though I knew this wouldn't last for long. He kept consoling me, assuring me that everything will be alright, but I couldn't help myself from saying that it won't, not unless Saif wakes up, not unless he accepts what he did, not unless my name is cleared. At that very moment, I heard the nurse give me the best possible news that I heard in these 7 hours. He woke up! I let out a sigh of relief! Thank God!

The officers went to his bed to ask him about the incident, and all along I kept praying for him to tell the truth, and not fabricate a story. We weren't allowed to go into the ER while the investigation went on. My heart was pounding, I could feel it in my throat. Mehmet was there all along. He didn't leave my side, he took my hands in his to remind me of his presence and support, and I was glad I wasn't alone. And I was glad I could trust him to be by my side, no matter what. A few minutes later the officers came out of the ER, and I could feel the vagal response kick in before they could let me know of Saif's part of the story; my palms turned cold and sweaty, my head started spinning and I heard a weird ringing noise in my ears, and before I knew I was on a bed in the same ER as Saif. The doctors said I was dehydrated and hypotensive due to which I fainted. They infused me with I/V fluids to rehydrate me. I looked up to Mehmet who gave a fainted smile.

"What happened?" I asked him worriedly.

"Well the good news is, we don't have to worry about Saif anymore."

"How? What happened?" I was stunned.

"Saif said he would drop charges against you and he is going to go back to England." He replied.

"Charges against me? He was the one who barged into my house!" I exclaimed, giving Saif an angry look, who was sitting across the room. He turned his face away from me, as if he was avoiding my stare, probably because of his guilt. But he was a monster, he would never be ashamed of committing such a beastly act.

"Which makes me come to the bad news. Saif created a false story, of him barging into your house, to surprise a 'good friend', and you knocking him with the umbrella stick, thinking it was a robber, because you couldn't see in the dark."

"What the actual fuck?" I glared at Saif who still couldn't look me into the eye. "And they bought it?!"

"Sadly, yes." He said looking down with disappointment. "I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything for you kızım, I wish I could've protected you from this savage beast."

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