Chapter 44: Expecting the Unexpected

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If I were to be completely honest, I was avoiding him to some extent. It wasn't because I had second thoughts about our relationship. I needed to clear my head, and unfortunately, with him being around, it wouldn't have been possible. Although I knew he was concerned, and avoiding him was wrong on my part, but I did what felt right to me at that point. Which is why I left, rather escaped, leaving behind the city that I dearly loved, and the man who meant everything to me. It wasn't easy though, but it was the only option I had.

I wanted to talk to him, I really did, but I knew we needed time. Which is why I would wait for the time he would be fast asleep, since I practically knew his schedule, and choose that time to reply to his messages.


Since my trip was unplanned, and no one knew of my arrival, it was pretty natural for my parents to ask the reason for my unannounced visit. I was preparing myself for all the possible questions that would be fired my way, trying to come up with the best excuses, but so far, on my 5 hour long flight, back from Istanbul, which was almost towards its end, I couldn't come up with anything. My sister's graduation hadn't been preponed, it was only an excuse that I used against Mehmet.

I had vowed to keep everything to myself. Talking about it with others would've made me relive those painful memories of that event, something that I didn't want to, naturally. I wanted to completely forget about them, which is why I fled to Karachi in the first place.

"Should I tell them about Mehmet?" I asked myself. "It's the only thing I can think of. But what would I say when they ask me about his absence? I mean I'm pretty sure they'd want to meet him." I argued with myself.

"Oh shut up, this is the safest option, and you do have to tell them eventually." The voice in my head replied back. "That is," it continued, "unless you're not sure of marrying him?"

"Oh shush! She's already confused, don't confuse her any further by giving her second thoughts about her engagement!" The voice fought back.

"But I'm not confused.. am I?" I asked myself.

"Of course you're not, sweetie don't listen to the voices in your head." The voice in my head advised me.

Ugh! I've completely lost it. I need to do something else or else I'd become psychotic by the end of the flight. I turned on the TV monitor in front of me to search for something good to watch to divert my mind off of this.

"Passengers are requested to be seated and fasten their seat belts as the aircraft is preparing for landing."

As soon as I heard the announcement by the pilot, I felt sick to my stomach. Feeling extremely nauseous, I searched the seat cover in front of me for the air sickness bag. This was strange though, because I never experienced motion sickness until today.

"Maybe its due to all the nervousness." I thought to myself.


Two weeks had passed by, and so far I didn't have to mention Saif or Mehmet once. It was easier than I had expected. My parents bought the excuse that I had come to give them a surprise visit, and I just went with the flow. Although I did want to tell them about Mehmet, but I was waiting until after my sister's graduation. I didn't want to give them a big shock, neither did I want to steal the spotlight from my baby sister. Hence, I kept quiet. But over the course of these two weeks, I felt sick every single day. My mom did advise me to go to the doctor to get myself checked, but as they say, doctors are the worst patients, so I tried to avoid it. I initially thought it was just the stomach flu, but the day I experienced another episode of syncope, was the day I went to the pharmacy to get myself the Pregnancy Test Kit. It was the same day that I called Mehmet.

"Shit!" I screamed looking at the result. "Shit, shit shit shit shit! No!"

"What happened?" My concerned mother asked from outside the washroom.

"Oh..." fuck! Think of something Nadine! "I... I threw the lightening spell at the wrong air defense!"

"Wow , what a great excuse. Way to go Nadine!" My sarcastic inner self spared no one, not even my own self.

"What?" My mother asked confused, "are you playing your game in there?"

"Yes mother!"

"Well then, hurry out, other people have to use the loo as well!"

"Okay, mom." I replied.

Shit! What have I done! Scratch that. What will I do now? This is so messed up!


"Okay, okay, calm down, take a deep breath." Nimra said, "now think about your next move."

I didn't know what to do, so I did what seemed right to me, I ran off to Nimra. I knew I could trust her on this. And I knew the only person who would give me good advice, without judging me would be her. But up til now, the only thing she said was think about your next move.

"Lady, if I had to think about my next move, why would I come to you?" I asked her pretty annoyed.

"Sister listen, I can't make decisions for you. You have to make your own decisions. Its your life after all."

"Yeah, but help me out bit. Please. I don't know what to do." I begged for her advice.

"Well, if I were in your shoes, I would've first told Mehmet, and not over the phone, face to face."

"So you're saying I should go back to Istanbul and tell him?"



"If he's willing to accept it, tell your parents and get married as soon as possible."

"What if he doesn't?" I asked, scared of the possibility of him not accepting.

"Then, its solely up to you, my dear."

"Yeah, you're right." I let out a sigh and continued, "Thanks, I knew I could count on you for the most rational advice." I said as I hugged her.

"But before that," she continued, "do you want it?"

"Do I want it? If I didn't, I wouldn't be here Nimra. Even if Mehmet isn't willing to accept our child, even if he backs off, I would still never give 'it' up."

"Are you a hundred percent sure that this isn't your pregnancy hormones talking?" She said teasingly.

"Affirmative." I said nodding my head.

"Well then, it's settled. Now go, make that ticket reservation. Fast!"

I let out a big sigh. "Yes."

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