Chapter 30: This Means War

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Thankfully the rest of my trip in Karachi went smooth, as per my initial plan. Pakistan was now our partner too. Fast forward to my last day in Karachi, which I had thought of spending with Nadine. I hadn't met her since that night she dropped me off and drove away. I couldn't call her either, because I was so busy with my work, and I already lagged behind. And surprisingly, she didn't call me either, maybe she was punishing me? Or maybe because she wanted some space after what happened with that bastard the other day.

However, she did leave me a text or two, but I never responded back to them, not because I was ignoring her, but because I was too busy with my work. I couldn't even find the time for myself, it was next to impossible to take out time for her, and like I said, no matter how much I love anyone, I will never compromise on my work. I may sound like a jerk, but I've worked too hard to let everything go down the drain for a person whom I'm sure they're not sure of me. I hope she understood my passion and dedication, otherwise, there was no point in us continuing our relationship. Trust is the most essential thing you require to begin a relationship, but mutual understanding is what makes a relationship better.

I was in front of her gate, trying to find the courage to ring the bell, but some unnatural force compelled me from doing that. I could hear people speaking in an unpleasantly loud voice, her parents most likely. Maybe that was one reason I couldn't man up to ring the bell? I wonder who they were yelling at? Was it Nadine? Why would they do that to her? Do they not support her on her breakup with Saif? But they're her parents, why won't they? Or did she tell them about me? Shit. Abort mission. Abort mission! But then all my questions were answered once I saw her bastard fiancé beg for forgiveness, kneeling down, in front of her parents. That asshole had the audacity to ask for forgiveness after all what he had done? Is he fucking serious?!

I backed off thinking it wasn't the right time to be here, because I knew, if I stayed longer, I would've dirtied my hands on him. Just as I called out for a taxi, the bastard called from behind:

"You!" He yelled, "you fucking piece of shit! You're the one who brainwashed Nadine!"

I really didn't want to reply to him, he was an idiot and had full potential of ruining my mood, although he was currently successful in doing that to a great extent. But I ignored. I just turned back and smiled and made my way on the road. I could hear footsteps following me. Realizing who it could be, I paced up, but he caught up to me. I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder, realizing I had no other option, I turned around to confront him, but he threw a punch at my face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you man!?"

"You fucker! You brainwashed that dumbass bitch and she left me!"

This meant war! "What did you call her?!" I shouted as I threw a punch at his face. "How dare you talk to her about that! Take back your words!" I threw another punch causing him to fall on the ground. The crowd started to gather, many people were enjoying it, taking videos and pictures while the others were trying to break the fight. But we wouldn't budge.

"You only wanted to fuck with the whore! Asshole!" He said as he tried to regain his balance. He tried hitting me again but missed by a few inches. I took another chance to aim for his face, but I was stopped by the people who were trying their best to pull us back.

"Calm down brothers!"

"The police will lock you up!"

"Stop fighting you're going to kill one another!"

"Get some water for them to cool down!"

"Leave me! I'm fine." I said trying to break free.

"Yeah! We're fine! Now disperse!" The bastard said.

"Okay we're not fighting anymore. You all can go back to your work."

"Leave! Why are you still gathered here! Scatter now!" Saif shouted.

After the crowd dispersed, I returned to Saif, to give him one last piece of me, but I stopped. He wasn't worth it.

"You're lucky these people came to your rescue, otherwise you were dead meat." I continued, "I cannot believe Nadine was about to be trapped with a beast like you for the rest of her life!" I turned away making my way to the taxi stand.

"Rot in hell!" He said under his breath.

"Just like you have? No thank you. I'd rather not. I'm better this way." I replied with a sarcastic smile.

"I will get you for this!" He responded with anger in his eyes.

"Oh. Please no! Please Mr. Saif, have mercy on me." I acted out. "I'm too scared."

"Mock all you want. But you will pay, moron!"

"In Rupees or Liras? Or better yet Pounds?" I chuckled.

"In blood! You will pay. Your mistress will pay."

My laughter disappeared as it turned into anger. I held him by his collar, "Listen up you asshole. If I ever see you near Nadine, I swear, I will not spare you. You won't be lucky like you were this time! And trust me when I say this!" I said as I threw him to the ground.

"Oh we shall see." He whispered under his breath.

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