Chapter 40: The Monster I Created

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I woke up because of the constant banging on my door. I looked at the time, it was only 5:47 in the morning. It was still dark, you could still see the stars on the midnight blue sky, which was changing its colour to a lighter shade of blue as the sun rose. The birds were chirping gleefully, welcoming Spring. The trees were blooming with colourful flowers, the warmth and aroma of Spring was in the air. It was the first day of Spring and I thought I would be waking up to a peaceful morning. Instead I was awoken by the constant banging on my door, which got louder by the minute. Who could it be so early in the morning? And why do they want me to get a throbbing headache? If it's Mehmet I swear to God I'll beat the crap out of him! We hadn't seen each other since our breakfast date 3 days ago.

Yawning and rubbing my eyes, I finally made it to the door opening it without asking who it was-my mistake. As soon as I opened it I was left stunned by the sight of what I was seeing. On the other side of the door was none other than Mr. Saif. And he did not look pleased at all. His eyes were filled with anger, his pupils were dilated, he was breathing heavily as if he just got out of a fight, or was preparing for one. He looked as if he was a beast ready to attack, he wasn't the Saif I knew. The sympathetic response kicked in and I tried to push the door close with all my might, but he was strong, stronger than before, probably because of the adrenaline rush. All it required was one big push for him to throw me to the ground and enter. He was in my house.

"Wh-what are y-you doing here?" My voice started to shake. "G-get out oh-of m-my house!" I shouted at him pointing towards the door, while he locked the door from inside.

"Don't worry babe, I'm just here to talk." He gave an evil smirk.

"I don't want to talk to you. Leave! Or I'll call the police!"

"But girl, I want to clear everything. It was all a misunderstanding." He came towards me and gave his hand for me to take support of to stand up.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense. I've seen and heard enough to make me realise you're a cheating, pathetic, horny liar! Go to hell! I don't want to ever see your face again!" I pointed towards the door with the same hand I had my engagement ring on.

"Oh what is this?" He said as he grabbed my hand. "Did Turkish lover boy propose to you?"

"Yes he did. And we are getting married sooner than you know!" I swung my hand to let go off his grip.

He grabbed my hair with a strong grip, "Hypocrite! You call me a cheating, pathetic, horny liar while you fuck with that Turkish piece of shit! Do you really think you could leave me for that piece of shit? You thought I'd never notice? Huh?!"

"Let go off me! What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you forgotten what you did or do I have to knock some sense back into you?!" I engraved my nails into his hands to let go off my hair. "And who dare you call a piece of shit?! His name is Mehmet! And its not my fault you couldn't be more secretive about your sex life!" I yelled at him.

"Like you were secretive about yours, huh?!"

"Are you crazy?!"

"Yes! I am! Because of you! And you know why? Because I was a fool! I loved you with all my heart. I loved you through all your phases-the good, the bad and the worse. And you couldn't ever say you loved me back? Not even once. Not even as a lie to make me feel better! I was a fucking idiot! Yes, you have been successful in making me crazy! Look at the monster you created!"

"The monster I created? Excuse me? Did I tell you to make love to that girl, in the same hotel on the same fucking floor, while I was still there! Was it my fault that you could not wait for another 2 days, or wait for me to at least go home before you could fuck with her? Was it my fault that you could not keep it in your pants?! No! It was yours!"

An awkward silence filled the room, it gave me chills. It felt like the calm before the storm. A few moments later which felt like an eternity, Saif spoke

"You left me for that asshole, who doesn't care two hoots about you. Who doesn't care what I'll do to you next. Yes, you're right, I can't keep it in my pants." He replied with an expression that sent shivers down my spine.

He made his way towards me I tried to scream for help but he covered my mouth with his hands while getting on top of me. I bit his hand after which I was successful in letting him go. I pushed him away and made my way towards the door, but he grabbed hold of my foot which made me fall hard to the ground. I tried to grab the nearest thing to myself, a vase, a stick, anything, while struggling to let go off of his grip. I finally managed to get the umbrella that I kept behind my door. I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to kill him. Without thinking twice I grabbed the umbrella with a strong grip and with the adrenaline rush that elicited, I hit him hard on his skull.




I could feel his grip get loose. He started bleeding from his head and eventually lost consciousness, I panicked realizing what I had done. I went to check his carotid, thankfully, there were a few pulsations. I thanked the Lord for not knocking him dead! I immediately called my hospital to send an ambulance. The ambulance arrived after 12 minutes, but it seemed like forever. All along, I kept praying for him to not wake up, because if he did, I knew I was dead. I also kept hoping that this didn't cause much damage to him, not because I cared for him, but because I didn't want to be a labelled as a murderer. Although, in my defense, I was saving myself, but I knew my case wasn't strong, since there was no other witness besides Saif, and for all I know, he could conveniently come up with a fabricated story to put me behind bars.

We reached the hospital where he was rushed into the emergency, at that very moment I received a call from Mehmet.

"Where are you? Was your house struck by a tornado?!"

My brain was still processing what had happened, I was still in shock.

"Nadine? Hello? Are you there?" Mehmet asked worriedly.

"Y-yes." I whispered.

"What happened? Why is there blood splattered on your floor?! Are you okay?"

"N-no..." I began to cry.

"Where are you?"

"Hospital." I whispered.

"I'll be right there, girl. Don't worry!"

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