Chapter 12: Midnight Surprises!

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Song: Midnight Memories-One Direction



So he didn't come, typical men. Anywho, I only called him because he was the only friend-nay-person I knew. But I couldn't complain, now could I? It was foolish of me to expect him to come, till the very last moment, with a bouquet of freshly picked tulips. Dreamy boys like those only exist in fairytales. Alas, it was too good to be true. Life maybe a bed of roses, but every rose has its thorn. I should've known better. Another reason why you shouldn't expect anything from anyone.

On the bright side, my neighbours loved the three course meal I spent all day preparing for them. I loved to cook and bake, and I loved trying out new recipes every now and then. After dinner, I served them with a delicious, yet ridiculously sweet delight-gulab jamuns. You'd find these small, brown, rounded things, soaked in sugary syrup, at any event, be it a birthday party, a graduation ceremony or even a wedding. No wonder Diabetes has a high prevalence in Pakistan. But I was careful to not cover them with a lot of sugar, besides having it once in a blue moon won't harm now, would it? We drank some green tea, afterwards, to cleanse our palates, while they told me about their love story-all over again-but I didn't mind that because I just think its polite if you listen, or pretend to listen, while the other person feels they're being heard. They left around 10 p.m. which was a little too late for them, while I picked up the dirty plates from the table and eventually dozed off on the couch.

The clock struck 1 and I woke up, disoriented, thinking it was already the next day. I looked at the time and to my relief it was only 1 in the morning.

"Back to work now. Time to clean up this mess." I said to myself as I clumsily made my way to the kitchen. I checked my phone to see any calls or messages from my mom. I was so busy the entire day that I had totally forgotten to call her. There weren't any messages from her though, but to my surprise, there was a message from Mehmet apologising for not making it.

"Well, at least he has the courtesy to apologise." I said to myself as I immediately had a realization, "what if he isn't busy but he's only lying to play hard to get? Does he think he will make me fall for him by doing all of this? He should know that I'm not so easily manipulated. I cannot go through everything all over again, I don't have the energy or time for another cat and mouse chase! If one thing I've learnt from my past is that I need to stop chasing after those who won't make any effort. And the good looking flirtatious Turk needs to know that." I said to myself as I was washing the dishes. It was 2 a.m. and by now, I really didn't feel like going to sleep anymore, messed up circardian rhythm ugh.

And while I had this thought, my phone started ringing, I thought it was my mom, because who else would call me at such an ungodly hour? But to my surprise it was Mehmet. Should I pick it up or should I not? I chose to ignore it, and turned the phone off.

I was halfway through clearing up the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. I seriously freaked out! Who the hell could it be at this time! But obviously it wouldn't be a thief, why would a thief knock when they can sneak in? Maybe its my neighbour? I looked out through the pinhole to check who it was. There was no one.

"Strange," I thought to myself, as I opened the door to check outside. There was no trace of any human for as far as my eyes could focus. "Maybe I was only hallucinating?" Insomnia is really messing with my brain. As I was about to go inside I saw a note, which, mind you, wasn't there before. It said my name so I was curious to know what was in it. I took the note inside to see what it said. It had a very familiar writing, which I immediately recognized. It only said 'look down from your balcony.'

"Is it whom I think it is?" I ask myself excitedly. Is it possible that he would travel all the way from Karachi to Istanbul? I rushed my way to the balcony to see and I was absolutely astonished! It was him! My best friend, whom I once crushed over, Saif! It was 2 in the morning but I was screaming, at the top of my lungs, filled with excitement, with no care of the world, while I was still at my balcony shouting at Saif to come up! I could not believe it! Within a matter of seconds he was upstairs in front of my door.

"Eeeek! You big fat idiot come here you!" I said as I rushed towards him. He wasn't fat though, but my mind stops functioning in such situations and only says gibberish, "what are you doing here?"

"Well I really wanted to meet you, before I went to England for good, and since you came here without telling me, the only thing I could do was take the next plane and come to meet you here, how inconvenient dude. You should have at least thought of me!" He complained, jokingly.

But that is how we were, we used to fool around and complain to each other, but only jokingly. We used to mess each others hair, chase each other around with snow spray, have water fights, all in the college premises. Our principal was fed up of us and we were this close to getting suspended. There was a time where we were inseparable. People used to question our friendship at times, considering the conservative environment we come from . Don't get me wrong, Pakistanis aren't back forwarded, they just have a few reservations. But my mom was cool with it, she trusted me enough, and I wasn't dumb enough to do anything that would in turn harm my perfect friendship, even though I used to crush over him. But my relationship with my ex ruined our friendship. My ex was jealous of whomever I talked to, especially him. So I cut ties with Saif just so that my asshole ex wouldn't have a problem with it, while he flirted around with every other girl. After my breakup I sorted things out with him, and I apologized for being the bitch I was and he understood and forgave me. But things never got back to what they were after that. Still I was more than thrilled to see him here, especially knowing he came for me.

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