Chapter 46: La Vie En Rose

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Standing in front of his house, I could feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. My feet were firmly stuck to the ground. This was it. The moment of truth. The point which would make or break our relationship, or so I thought. Nervously, I placed my finger on the doorbell, my heart felt as if it would breakthrough the rib cage any moment. The cool breeze hit my body, which calmed down my overly excited nerves, to some extent. I gulped the big lump that had formed in my throat and rang the bell.

I waited, for at least a good 2 minutes, which seemed like forever, before I reached for the bell, again. I didn't find it strange though, after all any sane person would be asleep at 5 a.m. There was still no response. I tried again, maybe he was on his way from his room to the door, and he stumbled across in between. But there was still no sound of him or his footsteps. This seemed odd because Mehmet was a light sleeper, like me. I thought of giving it another go, but then I remembered having the set of keys to his house. I reached into my purse to grab them and I quickly found them. I unlocked the door and entered in.

As soon as I stepped foot in the house, I could hear Mehmet grunt in immense pain, it felt as if he was struggling, or was being chased, or worse-being stabbed to death. I went towards the source of the voice that came from his room, only to see Mehmet sweating profusely, trying to struggle hard with something. I immediately shook him to wake him up from his bad dream.

After a few attempts I was successful in waking him up, and boy was he glad to wake up from that nightmare. He held me into a tight hug which almost obstructed my trachea from breathing in oxygen, but I didn't mind that, because it felt great to be in his arms again, I felt so safe and secured. Burying my face into his chest while his perfectly built biceps covered me, gave me a strong sense of protection. Also, I wanted to cherish every single moment left with him, that is, if it was the last time we ever got intimate. Because I wasn't sure of the outcome, and if this was the last time we ever hugged, I wanted it to last for as long as it could.

I also felt much more confident now, I mean, I was still nervous, but this hug, it felt assuring. It made me feel that I could trust him. It made me feel that he would stay by my side for the next 7 months, it made me feel that he would take responsibility. It assured me that he won't leave me stranded. It made me feel better. So with the sudden boost of confidence that I got, I told him what I had been meaning to tell him for the past 2 and a half weeks.

"I need to tell you something." I could feel my hands tremble. My knees felt weak and I took a seat on the bed.

"What is it?" He asked as anxious as me, if not more. I took in a deep breath and started.

"Well, a couple of days back, I told you, I fell sick, remember?"

"Yes..." He stared as me with a blank expression.

"Well, I thought it was just viral gastroen-- I mean, stomach flu." My palms became sweaty.

"Is it something bad? What is it Nadine?! Tell me now!" He asked curiously.

"Calm down. It's nothing bad. It's actually good, I mean I don't know..."

"What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow, "what's going on Nadine?"

"I mean, it depends on how you take this news. Good, bad or worse."

"Ugh! Don't beat around the bush, and get to the point!" He demanded for an answer.

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