Chapter 13: Jealousy

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It wasn't as though I was avoiding her, I had a busy day at work, and afterwards I was going to drink Raki with my employees whom I basically treated as my friends. Since I had no friends after the betrayal by my very own friend, Bulent, and the demise of my baba, Mr. Sami, who left me at a very tender stage. But my employees were good people, I never treated them any less than me. One of them had their birthday, so it only seemed right to take them out for drinks after work. I could have gone in the afternoon, and given her a surprise, but like I said, I would never compromise on my work. Although I did say I would treat her as a guest for the first month here, but lets be honest. She already visited this city before, she is no stranger. You probably know by this time how dedicated I am towards work, it took me quite some time to build everything. I may not have started from scratch but spreading the business, internationally, was not an easy thing. So I would never let anyone, or anything, come in between it.

I left her a message, before going to the pub, but she ignored it. After drinking, I tried calling her, not knowing it was 2 in the morning. But then again, she was up till 3 a.m the night before. She still didn't pick up. I can't help it if she doesn't want to talk, its best to not push her any further. But if she's ignoring me she probably has her reasons. Maybe she was disappointed at me, maybe she expected me to come till the very end? Well, she was courteous enough to call me to her place, to say that I was her only friend here, that meant something, right? Besides, why am I being so harsh on her? Its not as if she cheated on me with another guy who supposedly was my best friend. I guess I should go to her place tomorrow morning and surprise her with a bouquet of freshly picked daisies before going to work.


Although I didn't know what to get her as a housewarming gift, I didn't come empty handed. For now, I came with a bouquet of daisies, but I intended of giving her something which would not only add beauty to her house, but would also remind her of me-a handmade Turkish carpet, from my very own shop. It would be the perfect gift. I was in front of her apartment door, about to knock when I heard the sound of a guy from inside.

"Am I at the right place?" I confusingly said while I reconfirmed the address by the message that she sent, "it says apartment number 8, I am in front of apartment number 8. Why do I hear the sound of a guy when she clearly said she did not know anyone around?"

"Pathetic! She sleeps around. Another whore! No wonder she wasn't picking up my calls or replying back to my messages!" I stormed off without knocking the door. I threw the daisies at the door and drove off. I did not know where I was going, all I knew is that I was played, again, and she only called me so she could experience her sexual gratification.

"Who the heck does she think she is? Why did you fall for her? Have you not learned anything from your past experiences you idiot?" I cursed myself, while I drove at a speed of 120 mph. I don't remember what happened next. What I do remember is crashing into a tree and waking up in the hospital in immense pain, and multiple wounds. The doctor said I had lost a lot of blood, and have multiple rib fractures, but it could have been worse if it weren't for those airbags. It could have been worse?! What worse could it have been. My mom was there, crying, praying to God to give me a fast recovery. In just a minute my world went completely upside down.

Two days later, the nurse tells me I have a visitor. It was her. The one who shall not be named. She seemed shocked, she was probably crying or not, she's practically heartless, all doctors are. Should've known better. I really didn't want to see her face.

"Mehmet! What did you do to yourself! I was so worried. You weren't picking up my phone, I got to hear about this when I went to your shop. I immediately rushed here! How did this happen?!"

"I don't want you to be here. Please go!" I said with a firm tone in my voice.

"But I was worried Mehmet! What happened? Why are you behaving like this is my fault?"

"You're asking why this is your fault? Hahaha! You're so pathetic!" I shouted at her as the nurse came to calm me down.

"What the heck did I do?!" She asked.

"Just go away! Nurse please ask her to leave!"

"I won't leave till I get my answer!" She insisted.

"Ma'am please, you have to leave." The nurse said as she showed her the way out.

She acted as if she's innocent, as if she doesn't know what wrong she has done. Ridiculous! After all this, she has the audacity to come and visit me? Pathetic.

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