Chapter 48: Grand Finalé.

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22nd June, 2023

12:34 p.m.


12:34 p.m. The last I spoke to Nadine. I never thought it would be the last time I would ever speak to her. But this is where we are wrong. We always forget about death. I had this fear instilled in me that something might go wrong, that'll bring our worlds crashing down, because lately, nothing bad had happened. Everything was quite peaceful, and this freaked me out, a lot, in a strange way. It may sound weird to others, but my suspicions hadn't proved me wrong up to date. I wanted to be proved wrong today though, obviously. But fate had something else in store.

I was impatiently waiting for Nadine, at the photo shoot venue. Although the photographer hadn't arrived as yet, and it wasn't even 1, but, I was pretty impatient. Partly because I always very punctual, and partly because of my paranoia. And so it seemed only fitting if I wanted everything to go according to the allotted time. Although if I were to be it honest, it was mainly because I missed Nadine. We hadn't seen or talked to each other properly since the past 2.5 weeks or so, and I didn't push her. Besides, I was confident that I would have her for the rest of my life. But I guess you should never be over confident, you never know what would happen next.


I knew her parents had come and she needed to spend time with them. While I went back to Izmir to get my mum. We had mutually agreed on not having a big gathering since the only reason guests, other than the close family, show up at the wedding is to gobble up as much as they can and waste the remaining food. So to prevent that, we kept it simple, although we could afford an extravagant wedding.

She invited around 20 people including her immediate family, and close cousins, and best friend of course. And likewise, I invited my maternal side of the family along with my mum and sister, naturally, and my employees from my shop. I could never forget them, obviously. That made around a rough figure of 50 people, which I guess was good enough for us.


I was continuously looking at my wrist watch, every minute that passed seemed like it took forever, and I was getting impatient by the minute. Where is she? Why is she taking so long? Ugh! Ouch! Suddenly, I felt something hard hit my head, it didn't knock me out though, but a sharp pain emerged on the back of my head, radiating down to the neck. I felt it hit again almost immediately after the first blow, this time it must have hit my nerve or something because I started feeling dizzy and my vision blurred out while I could still feel the excruciating pain. I turned around to see who or what was hitting me. As soon as I turned around I saw the stick strike my head once again and amidst the blurred vision, I saw the devil, named Saif. He was back! Scarier than ever, filled with vengeance. You could see the burning revenge in his jet black eyes. Before I could say anything, or stop him, he hit me once more enough to knock me out cold.


4:57 p.m.

"Wake up fucktard!" Saif threw a bucket of water on my face soaking me completely.

I was out cold for the past 4 hours. I immediately woke up as the water face splashed on my face. "What the fuck man!" I screamed at him, which strained my head, further worsening the headache. He had tied my hands and legs with a rope, restricting my movements. "What the fuck have you done!"

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