Chapter 33: I Screwed Up.

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It was a Sunday morning, when I was awoken by her kiss on my forehead. I woke up to her beautiful, bare face, her wide, brown eyes looking at me with care and love. Last night was amazing, seriously amazing! Yes, I had promised myself to control my urges till both of us were sure, yes, whatever happened last night happened way too soon, but it didn't feel wrong at all to me. She was in my arms, our bare skins touched and I felt a zing which I'm pretty sure she felt too. I just wanted to have her in my arms and lay by her side all day long. I wanted to stay in this moment forever, I wish there was some way to freeze time.

She got out of bed wearing nothing but her overly loose shirt which she denied of letting me take off last night. It covered her entire torso down to her mid thighs. She may not say it, but I knew she was insecure of her body. She was slightly overweight, but I liked her just the way she was. I never liked people for their physical appearances, not that she wasn't pretty, she was absolutely stunning, and right now she looked gorgeous. It is true that the eye likes what seems pleasing to it, but the soul wants what connects with it. And she and I connected. Maybe which is why I couldn't control myself the night before.

I never had sex with my ex-girlfriend, I thought we'd save it for after our marriage, to maintain the sacredness of it. But after I found out that she cheated on me, with none other than my bestfriend, I realized that nothing is sacred. When sex gets easily available, it becomes very difficult to find true love. And so, as a rebound, I used my charm, and successfully managed to get into bed with quite a few girls, but after seeing Nadine for the first time, 7 years back, I made amendments. Although when I lost her once more, it relapsed, causing me to sleep with Sara and that other girl, whom I don't know the name of, up to date.

After playfully teasing her, and knocking each other down, she finally managed to push me over and made her way to the washroom. Since I didn't have any new clothes and I was in dire need of them, I thought of going home to change. I knocked on the door twice, but she was probably taking a shower, which is why she couldn't hear me. So I thought of being a bit old fashioned and leaving her a cute note.

"Gone to freshen up. Will pick you up in an hour to take you out on our first official breakfast date. After which we can have our own breakfast in bed ;) seni seviyorum aşkım (I love you, my dear)."

I left her house, leaving her spare keys under the welcome mat, making sure to close the door completely on my way out. I was on the way to my home when I received a message from Nadine:

"Can't wait to see where you take me this time, I'll be waiting for you. P.S. I had a lot of fun last night. ;)"

A big smile appeared on my face as I read that, I wanted to reply but then I realized I was driving my car. I took a quick shower, changed into my black turtle neck shirt and black jeans with a black leather jacket, I really loved the colour black, you'd see my entire closet filled with a variety of black, all kinds of shades, from dark greyish black to jet black. I was in terrible need to revamp my entire closet. I'm pretty sure Nadine was tired of seeing me wear black, though she never complained. Or maybe she liked it? Who knows?

Anywho, I changed into my clothes, got into my car and drove off to her place to pick her up for our first official date. On the way, I thought of redoing everything, just not as intense as before, so instead of an entire bouquet, I got her a rose, a pink one, just because, and instead of the big fluffy teddy bear, I got her a smaller, yet cuter one. When I reached her house, I only required one call and she was down within 2 minutes. I'd have to wait 20 minutes for my ex, because she would take a lot of time to get ready, I really didn't get the point though. I mean, I had seen her through her pre-pubertal phase, considering she was my highschool crush, with no make up, yet she seemed perfectly normal to me, but she took hours on end to get ready for a date. But right now I didn't want to think about her, because I had a beautiful lady standing right in front of me. She wore a red sweater and skin tight blue denim jeans, she left her shoulder length, chestnut coloured hair opened which majestically flew with the wind, like in the movies or the shampoo commercials. She hadn't loaded her face with a whole lot of make up, just some black thing on her eyes, which accentuated the beauty of them even more, and some pink glossy stuff on her lips. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

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