Chapter 39: Breakfast Date

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"So where are we going?" I asked Mehmet as he held the door for me while I sat in the car.

"What's the rush?" He replied with a smirk.

"Uff Mehmet. I'm in no mood of surprises, I'm starving! Where are we going?"

"You know what your problem is? You're very impatient. Now shush."

"Fine." I replied rather sarcastically.

After about driving for 17 minutes we reached a roadside restaurant situated on the shore of the Bosphorous. It appeared like one of The Dhabas that are quite common in Pakistan. It seemed very familiar though, and I immediately remembered from where I recognized it, the reknowned Turkish drama, 'Aşk ı Memnu' of course. He knew exactly what I loved. I never mentioned what I wanted, to him, mainly because I was capable of getting what I wanted, and partly because I didn't want to expect anything from him, but he kept surpising me every now and then. I considered that as a bonus. After Ali, I vowed to never keep expectations from anyone, it saved me from the disappointment, and I also learned to cherish every moment while it lasts, because the honeymoon phase doesn't last for long.

"You never cease to surprise me, my love." I placed a kiss on his cheeks.

"Well, what can I say? I am the best!" He said with a lot of pride.

"Won't deny that though, I'm blessed with the best." I said with a lot of confidence and pride. I was indeed blessed with the best.

He smiled, placing his hand on mine and gently stroking it with his thumb. He said nothing, except stared deep into my eyes, and I guess, at that point, words weren't required to carry out a conversation because we could still connect, sounds clichéd though, but we zinged. Our connection was cut by the waiter asking us to place the order, surely we can't communicate with him through the same method, it'll be creepy.

After ordering breakfast, Mehmet turned to me and said, "A one bedroom apartment, with a single bed is really stuffy, I guess you should sell your apartment and move in with me?"

That came to me as a surprise, I mean, I know we were engaged, and it seemed only fitting to move in with him, but I never thought of it. Although, it would be more convenient for us, since we were at each other's place every alternate night. But I never thought on those lines. And moving in with Mehmet was a big milestone. Though we had covered a lot of milestones, but considering the cultural practices in Pakistan, this still wasn't considered appropriate, actually none of it was. And we had a lot to think of before moving in, the wedding date, the preparation, but more importantly about our future, that we still hadn't worked out.

Although we loved each other, but to be honest, our engagement was an impulsive decision. I don't regret it though, and neither do I want either of us to regret it later on. And to be fair, love alone isn't enough, there are a lot of factors which contribute to a successful relationship, love being one of the significant ones, but not the only significant one. We still had to work out on a few things, I had only started to get to know a little part of Mehmet, and vice versa, there was a whole lot to reveal. And I had to be a 100% sure that he would be there for me during my hardships, like I would be there for him. Because if I couldn't trust him on that, what use was it for me to tie the knot for a lifetime, with someone whom I cannot depend on?

Besides if my mother got to know of it, she would be pretty angry and would probably disown me. I hadn't even told her of my engagement as yet, she only knew of him of being my friend, but nothing more. Although Mehmet's mother knew everything, and she didn't mind any of this, which is cool I guess. I had planned of telling my mother about my engagement when I went back to Karachi, in May, for my younger sister's graduation. Because I wasn't sure of her response, I'm pretty sure she would freak out, but I had to tell her, eventually. Till then I had to keep it a secret, and for that I had to refuse Mehmet's offer of me moving in with him. I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off.

"Or," he continued, "we can go apartment hunting and get a place of our own, I was already thinking of shifting anyway."

"Mehmet, I'm happy that you've thought of this, but don't you think its a little too early?"

"How is it too early? We're engaged!"

"I know we are, but we still need to figure out a few things."

"Are you not sure you want to marry me?" He questioned raising his eyebrow.

"No. That's not what I mean. I mean to say, we haven't thought of our future."

"I guess its pretty clear. You and I are getting married, we're going to stay in Istanbul where you'll work at your hospital while I work at my shop."

"Yeah, but we haven't decided on the wedding date as yet! And neither have my parents met you. Heck they don't even know I'm engaged!"

"So why haven't you told them as yet?" He asked suspiciously, "do you plan on ending this eventually?"

"What? No! Why would I?"

"Then tell them."

"I will, when I go back in May, to meet them."

"Why wait till May? Tell them today!"

"Mehmet, its not as easy as you think, its different there. Try to understand."

"I understand. But what difference would it make whether you tell them right now or 2 months later? If they disapprove right now, their decision won't change later."

"They won't disapprove, I can be sure of that."

"So then tell them, why the delay?"

"I want to tell them in person, to see their genuine expressions."

"So this means we won't move in?"

"Umm, I guess.." I said under my breath.

"Well..." he sighed, "if you're not ready I won't push you."

"Thank you for understanding." I placed my hand on his.

Silenced ensued after which he turned to me and said, "Why don't I come with you to Karachi when you go in May?"

"You want to? I thought you'd feel uncomfortable." I asked amused.

"Why would I feel uncomfortable in front of my in-laws?" He asked.

"I don't know, I would if I was in your place." I laughed a bit.

"So its settled, I'll meet with your parents in May, then we can decide on our wedding and all things that follow."

"That would be perfect." I smiled.


I received an emergency call midway through our breakfast, from the ER, regarding one of my patients so we hurriedly finished our breakfast and rushed to the hospital. He dropped me off and left for his place since I didn't know how long it would take me there. 2 hours later, after finishing my work I went home instead of going to his place.

"I've gone back to my place, don't wait up for me." I messaged him.

"Okay honey." He replied almost immediately.

"By the way, I'm sorry if I said anything that hurt you or your feelings, its just that, although Pakistanis and Turkish are brothers, things are very different. I hope you understand, and I'm sorry for any hurt feelings." I replied.

"Are you crazy? You don't need to apologize. I understand. You don't need to over think on this, okay? Everything's fine between us, okay?"

"Glad to know that. Te amo! :*" I replied.

"Seni seviyorum hayatım. (I love you my life)."

I love the fact that he is so understanding, provided his insecurities. That's one of the qualities that I love most about him.


Two days had passed since our Breakfast Date, and we hadn't seen each other since. My clinics were extremely busy, and I'm guessing his work kept him on his feet too. We did talk on messages though but not a lot, just whenever we got time. On the first day of Spring I was awoken by the constant knocking on my door. Guessing it was Mehmet, I opened up, only to be surprised, once more.

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