Chapter 22: A Confession Under The Stars

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So why exactly was I here? Right. Because I came to set up my franchise in Karachi. But more specifically why was I in front of Nadine's house right now? Because, well, I behaved like a jerk and the least I could do was apologize. Now I did say I gave up the thought of that when I accepted... what was that girl's name again? Zeynep? Peyker?... meh, whatever her name was' offer. And I honestly thought of leaving everything behind and starting anew with that girl. But I couldn't. So I tried to track Nadine down, although I thought it would be really difficult, considering I did not know her full name, or her address, but it was a lot easier than I expected, thanks to Facebook and their advanced search options. And also because she mentioned her entire address on Facebook, which is a very stupid thing to do honestly. But at least that helped.

As I rang the bell on the gate, a fair skinned man, with Turkish features, approached the door, he couldn't speak English or Turkish when I tried talking with him in the language, and whatever he spoke was jargon.

"Nadine, is she here?" I asked.

"Ya ya, in, come." He replied with his jumbled English.

I went to the door, I was welcomed at the door by an older looking lady, who looked very similar to Nadine, maybe she was her mother.

"Salam. Whom are you here for?" She asked.

"Nadine." I continued, "I am her friend, Mehmet."

"Oh, you're the Turkish carpetseller?" She replied.

"Hahah yes ma'am," I replied, "that would be me."

"Well I'll call her then, she's still asleep, why don't you take a seat."

"No ma'am, I'll wait here." I replied politely.

"Haha well suit yourself, I'll call her." She replied.

I remember seeing Nadine trip twice, while coming down the stairs. Her hair was a mess, her face was flushed, eyes dilated. Seeing her startled face was hilarious. It seemed as if she saw a ghost or something.


"But how did you find me?" She asked confused as ever.

Silly girl.

"Well it wasn't difficult," I said, "actually the language barrier was, other than that, it wasn't difficult. By the way," I continued, "you shouldn't put your address information on Facebook." I replied teasing her.

I waited for her reply, then said "Also, I wanted to apologize."

"Uh..." was the only thing she said.

"Yeaaah..." I replied imitating her.

"No, I mean, apologize for what?" She asked startled.

"Well," I looked down with shame, "you know why."

"If its because of what you said, then its okay, I've forgiven you." She replied.

"Huh? Um." Well that was way easier than I expected.

"But also because of what I did that day. It was very stupid of me." I continued.

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