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It had been two months since I'd got home. I'd started my third year at uni and I'd finally sorted myself a job at the local cafe near my flat.

I hadn't spoken to Brad in about a month and a half, we kept in contact for a few weeks after, a few of messages. 'How are you'. But after the way we left it in Cyprus, it was hard to keep a conversation going.

Every now and then I'd get my picture book out, laugh and smile at all the stupid photos we had.

'Jo are you coming out for lunch? All this revision is killing me off' Sarah shouted from her room in the flat.

'Yeah sure' I said standing up to go and find my purse and jacket.

'So where do you want to go?' I asked Sarah as we stepped out of the apartment block.

'Hmm let's just go to McDonald's. I need unhealthy food' she laughed and I rolled my eyes as I already knew the answer before I'd even asked.

McDonald's was only 5 minutes from our apartment and when we reached it, we both ordered our meals.

'That guy was totally flirting with you' Sarah said as we sat down with our food, she pointed towards the guy behind the counter.

'Really, didn't notice' I replied digging into my food.

Sarah raised her eyebrows at me before speaking again.

'Jo you can't reject every boy that talks to do just because you're still in love with Brad'

'I'm fine, I'm over Brad. I'm just not interested Sarah' she knew she'd triggered my defensive side now, we don't talk about Brad without an argument brewing.

'Yeah tell that to the person that had to deal with you crying every other night because your heart had been broken' she replied before eating a chip. She was right, it did mess me up.

'I was hurt, sure. But I survived. I had no other choice than moving on with life without him in... but I'm just not interested' I spoke before biting my lip.

Whenever we talk about Brad, I either get annoyed or upset and right now I could feel my anger bubbling.

'Anyway it's done with now let's not talk about it' Sarah spoke as if reading my mind.

'Tomorrow I have a lecture in the morning and then work at 12, wanna pretend to be me for a day so I can sleep? I asked laughing, although I wasn't joking. I barley get any time to rest with uni and work.

'No thanks' Sarah laughed and we both continued to enjoy our food.

These last few years, Sarah has really been my rock. I hated moving away from home but doing it with my best friends was 100 times easier. And then when I had my heart broken with Brad, she didn't once leave me alone if I were to get upset, she was always there. Always has been and I hope she always will.


It had been two months since I'd got home. Me and the boys had been so busy I'd barley had time to stop and think. We have new music coming out soon, a tour to announce and we've been traveling allot performing.

We'd just got back from Spain when Joe, our manager, told us we'd be performing at a festival in Leeds and staying a few days to use a studio up there, apparently it's a really good one.

Of course Jo crossed my mind when he said this. She crosses my mind all of the time. But I don't think I have the balls to call her, see her. She's probably blocked my number after we stopped talking anyway.

I know I shouldn't of started to ignore her messages, her calls. But I didn't want her to wait around for me, because god knows when I'll get the time to be with her.


After the show, we all piled in the minibus back to the hotel where we would be staying for the next three nights.

Once we reached the hotel, joe gave me the key to my room and as soon as I got to it I launched myself onto the bed.

What an amazing show, but now I need to sleep.

I pull my wallet from out of my back pocket when something falls out of it onto the floor.

I leaned over the side of the bed to reach what had fallen out, it was the picture.

The picture I had taken of her out first night there.

I'd completely forgotten I had this picture

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I'd completely forgotten I had this picture.

Her natural curls fell perfectly and that smile, it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

God I miss it.

I held the picture in my hand for a few minutes before placing it on the bedside table, next to my wallet and phone.

I got undressed and wrapped myself in the covers, drifting to sleep with that photo on my mind.


Yo yo sequel is officially up. Like I said at the end of the last book this one is going to me longer and more full of drama, 14 Days was just an introduction to their relationship really 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼

Sorry it's short but It's only the start 🖖🏼

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