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'Merry Christmassssss!!!'

Brad screamed down the phone. Does this not not realise it's only 8am.

'Merry christmas' I laughed still trying to keep my eyes open never mind focus on the voice down the phone.

'I'm sorry I can't be with you today I missss you' I could tell Brad was pouting down the phone, even though I couldn't see it.

'You saw me two days ago Brad I'm sure you'll cope today, but I miss you also' I giggled, siting up in my bed, stretched as Brad had just woken me.

'Yeah well it's Christmas I should be able to see you'

Brad is spending Christmas in Birmingham with his family which I completely understand. I'm in Manchester with my mum and family but this evening I'm going out with a few friends from work, it's a yearly think apparently, I've only gone the past two years.

'You'll see me tomorrow when you come up, I'm sureeee you can hold in, anyway you're up early what are you doing' I replied rubbing my eyes. Damn it's early.

'Jesse always wakes us up early, and Nat is just as bad as me when it comes to Christmas. I guess because I'm away so often we take advantage of Christmas, still act like we're 5' Brad laughed, he was always so happy when he was home. It felt good knowing how happy he was.

'Well we don't normally get up this early but seen as I'm awake, I guess I'll get up' I sighed before walking over to my dresser and placing my phone on the side, clicking loud speaker so my hands were free.

'What have you got planned then today' I spoke as I brushed my hair, I'll shower later.

'Not much, presents, food, alcohol. The usual christmas, what are you going to be up to' Brad replied. 

'Not much this morning, just dinner with the family. Later on I'll meet up with a few people from work and go for a few drinks, Sarah is home with us as well so she'll probably come' I finished braiding my hair before picking the phone back up, and walking to my wardrobe.

'Who's a few people' Brad replied, I don't know if it's because I'm tired or what but his voices seemed.. concerned?

'Erm  Tom, Amy, Sophie, Leo and Danny' I replied. I knew that might seat Brad off slightly as I know that as much as he tries to hide it, he doesn't like Danny one bit.

'Danny?' I could picture the frustration on Brads face. Way to ruin a morning Jo.

'Yeah, you know he's my friend' I probably should of even brought this up, I'm regretting it already.

'Yeah I know, he just gives me this weird vibe. It's probably nothing' Brad sighs down the phone and I feel guilty for clearly ruining his mood.

'Anyway, I won't keep you any longer. Go and spend some time with your family' I broke the awkward silence that had come over us.

'Yeah, I'll ring you again later. Hope you have a good day' brads voice had changed back to the happy child like voice he'd previously used.

'Love you' I smiled.

'Love you too, byee' Brad put the phone down and I quickly changed into a comfy jumper and leggings before exiting my room and waking my mum up.


It was about Half 5 and I was just about finished to go out tonight.

I'd decided to go with a see through black body suit and a little pink leather skirt.

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