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'So today were all going out shopping, what do you think?' Brad spoke as I turned my back to him trying to go back to sleep.

'You can't ignore me forever' Brad laughed and I pulled the duvet over my head.

'Fine, you leave me no choice. Don't say I didn't warn you'

A second later Brad gripped my waist and began tickling me causing me to try and grab his hands off of me, but t didn't work.

'Fine fine you win let me go' I tried to catch my breath and Brad stopped tickling me and instead rapped his arms around me.

'Now get up' Brad space or after kissing the back of my head and getting out of bed himself.

I quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom before Brad could because there was no way he was having the first shower.


'Come on Tristan we've been walking around in a circle in this shop for half an hour' Ana moaned as me and her followed Brad around Topman.

'Oh and you're no different? This is be first shop we've been in that interested us' Tristan replied and me and Ana laughed.

'I'm tired can we go and get food' I moaned as I stuck my bottom lip out at Brad.

'McDonald's it is' Brad replied as we left the store and headed for the food court.

Brad text Connor to tell them what we were doing and we all met up at the food court.

When we arrived at the food court,Connor and everybody else were already there and had found a table in the busy canteen.

'So who wants what' James said as we all sat down.

'Mcdonalds' me Brad, Connor and Kirstie all said at the same time.


'So Jo, how's uni going? I know it's slowly but surly killing me' Kirstie spoke before putting a chip in her mouth.

'I feel you on that one, this last year is all serious and apparently isn't based on going out getting drunk' I laughed.

'What is it you're actually studying' Luisa asked from the other side of the table.

'Criminology / psychology' I replied.

'I'm basically going to work with all the psychopaths' I summed it up in one sentence not wanting to start going on with myself.

'I see Brad is your training then' James chirped up, laughing as if he was quite proud of that little dig.

'Brads a real challenge, the thought of working with people like him is seriously making me consider dropping out' I replied making everybody laugh.

'Hey what have I done to deserve this' Brad spoke putting on his best fake Sad face.

'So tonight? Are we hitting the town or what' Tristan spoke doing his best party impression .

'As long as we're all not too hungover for the meal tomorrow, because we've got reservations at The Ledbury' Connor replied, it was nice that he didn't want to ruin Luisa's birthday meal.

'Town it is'


'How do I look' I asked Brad as I walked out of the hotel bathroom to find him lay on the bed really to go.

I had decided to go for a nice black low cut at the back dress paired with a simple pair of heals.

Brad didn't reply straight away, he just stood up and walked towards me.

'Give me one good reason I shouldn't rip that dress off now and not bother going out tonight' he spoke placing his hands on my waste and pulling me slightly closer to him.

'Because its not often we get to go out, and I guess I'll take that compliment buried in that statement with your sexual frustration' I smirked walking over to the bed and picking up my clutch bag.

'You do look gorgeous' Brad replied before taking my hand and walking out of the hotel room.


We arrived in the club about half an hour ago and already Tristan was on his arse.

'What happened to not to much tonight' Connor laughed as Tristan danced terribly crushing Ana to cringe.

'Not to much is never enough' Tristan laughed before walking away from the booth we had.

'Where's Brad with these drinks? It feels like he's been gone for hours' Kirstie moaned as I stood up.

'I'll go look' I laughed and headed towards the bar.

It wasn't long before I spotted the curly haired boy still stood at the bar with a tray of drinks in front of him.

'Hey what's the hold up' I spoke placing my hand on Brad's shoulder.

'Oh Jo shit yeah I'm sorry' Brad jumped at my touch before relaxing once he realised it was me.

I looked in the direction Brad was previously looking and my eyes locked on a pretty brunette also stood at the bar.

'Jo this is Ellie' Brad smiled causing Ellie to give me a forced smile which I returned.

'Ellie this is my girlfriend Jo. Ellie was stood at the bar on her own so thought I'd keep her company until her friend came back, I didn't realise how long I'd been sorry' Brad smiled at me before picking the tray of drinks up.

I didn't speak to Ellie, she gave me this weird vibe that I didn't like. I just smiled and turned around to walk back to the booth.

'That was a bit harsh' Brad spoke down my ear as he caught up with me.

'I don't know what you mean?' I replied even thought I knew exactly what he meant.

'You gave that girl the cold shoulder for absolutely no reason' Brad replied. We'd nearly reached the booth so I decided to pretend I couldn't hear him.

As the night went on I noticed that the girl, Ellie, had made her way to the other side of the bar near our booth. She was stood with a pretty blonde girl and kept glancing towards us, Brad, all night.

What was her problem? Had she'd forgotten that Brad had previously introduced me as his GIRLFRIEND.

I looked over at Brad, about to start conversation until I had noticed that he was already engaged in some form of eye contact with Ellie. Oh.

I decided to take this situation into my own hands and walk over to the bar to 'get a drink'

I walked  over to where Ellie was standing before tapping her on her shoulder.

'Look, I don't know what your endgame is but I'd appreciate it if you'd stop staring at my boyfriend. It's creepy' I spoke calmly deciding to give the girl a change.

'Honey, the way he's staring at me, I think it's him you need to me speaking to, not me' she smirked.

Is this girl for real?

'Are you being serious?' I raised my voice attracting Kirstie's attention who was joining me at the bar.

I must of caught brads attention also, or she had, as he had walked up behind me without me noticing.

'Hey what's going on?' Brad spoke softly in my ear.

'I don't know, you tell me?' I replied angrily before storming past Brad and out of the club. 



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