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I looked down at my wrist, running my fingers over the little moon. Its crazy that something so little brings back so many memories.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed out of the door, off to work on a freezing autumn day.

To be fair, there's a lot worst things I could be doing. Waiting a few tables isn't that bad. We get a lot of regulars in as well with it being a small local cafe so it's actually quite nice.

When I reached the cafe I dumped my stuff in the little staff room and put my apron on.

I was only working until 5 so it wasn't that bad today, I still had time to revise or chill out at home.

Tomorrow is the one day a week I don't have anything on, which is the day I'm suppose to be spending studying but after the tiring few days I've had, that's not happening.


We had to get up at 7 am this morning to get to the studio on time, talk about a killer morning.

However it was definitely worth it, we're now allot closer to finishing the album.

I've had a lot of inspiration for this one, writing songs hasn't been difficult. I can tell all of the boys know why but they decided never to bring it up. At least not in the studio.

James asks if I've spoken to her every now and again, and the answer is always no.

After a long day in the studio it was 4pm so me and the boys decided to go and grab something to eat before heading back to the hotel.

We walked around the town for a while, looking in a few shops here and there before finding a little cafe we all agreed on on the outside of town.

'So what's the plan tomorrow?' James asked as we sat down on a little table.

'I'm not sure really, we have three days left booked in the studio here so I guess we'll be in thereI replied pulling my phone out of my pocket and flicking through all the social medias.

'Brad' Tristan spoke causing me to look up.

'Have you, you no got in contact wi..'

'No' I cut him off before he finished, he took the hint that I wasn't in the mood for talking about it and stoped.

They all find it strange that I haven't been with anybody since her, before I met her I'd have little flings with girls here and there. None of them meaning anything. But since I've gotten home from that holiday the thought hadn't even crossed my mind.

'So next week is Luisa's birthday, and we have a few days off because of it. Maybe we could all go out for a meal in Birmingham? Bring the girls? ' Connor spoke.

Great, another time Brad gets to 7th wheel.

All of the other boys said it sounds like a good idea so I agreed, it's not their  fault I'm on my own so I can't take it out on them.

A few seconds later a waitress walked over to us, I was still looking down at my phone when James looked up at her ready to order his food.

'Are you ready too..' the girl spoke before cutting herself off. I recognised that voice.

I looked up at James who's eyes had widened before looking at the girl stood in front of us.

'I.. I have to go.. I'll send someone over to take your order sorry' she ran off to the back of the cafe quickly.

James and Connor both looked at me with shocked emotions and Tris looked confused.

'Was that?' James spoke and I nodded.

I quickly got up off of my chair as I saw her run out of the cafe door. 



'Jo wait'



My manager, Angela, told me there was a table that hadn't been served yet and asked me to do the honours.

I grabbed my little pad and pen off the worktop in the kitchen and walked towards the now full table.

I was flicking through the pad trying to find a clean piece, meaning I wasn't paying any attention to who was actually sat on the table.

All I saw was four boys, maybe a few years older than me.

As I reached the table, I looked up, smiled and spoke.

'Are you ready too..' I knew I recognised the boy facing me but when I looked next to him and saw that head of curls, my heart stopped.

I didn't feel like I was in control of my body.

I saw James' eyes widen when he recognised me and the half spoken sentence caused Brad to look up from his phone.

Our eyes locked for a second before I managed to get my words out.

''I.. I have to go.. I'll send someone over to take your order sorry' I ran to the back of the cafe to grab my bag and coat before running out of the cafe.


'Jo!' My name being shouted got louder.

'Jo wait' but I kept speed walking away from it.



Connor looked at me with the same expression on his face as I had.

'Was that the Jo Denver?' Tristan asked, confused as he'd never really seen her.

'Yeah, I don't believe that. All the cafes and restaurants in Leeds and she works at this one' I replied, completely shocked.

'Do you think it's a good thing? I mean I personally thing Brad needed to speak to her. To get closure out of it if nothing else' Connor spoke.

He was right, they never really had a 'talk' from what Brad told us. He just said one day they stoped texting each other and that was it.

'Maybe. I hope he's ok man this girl fucked his head up big time, hopefully this will be for the best'


This took me forever because I just couldn't decide how I wanted them to meet again but there you have it 🤘🏼

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