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'Jo what are you talking about'

I heard Brad's voice echo behind me but I continued to walk into the street, looking for a taxi to hail.

Brad eventually caught up to me and pulled me arm so I was facing him.

'What do you mean you tell me? Jo I'm confused, what have I done?' Brad genuinely looked confused.

'Seriously?' I replied screwing my face up slightly, I'm surprised he noticed I left if I'm honest.

'Yes Jo seriously? What's gotten into you?'

'I'm surprised you even noticed anything was wrong, seen as you've paid absolutely no attention to me all night' I scoffed and Brad continued to look confused.

'All night, I've attempted on multiple occasions to talk to you and you're to busy staring at that girl at the bar' I continued, the anger building up inside of me.

'What? I wading staring at her, she was looking at me it was weird if I'm honest. But harmless' Brad replied placing his hand on my hip as if to reassure me.

'Yeah whatever Brad I'm just want to be on my own' I pulled away before opening the door to a taxi that had just pulled up.

A few seconds later a body joined me in the taxi before closing the door as the driver drove off.

'Hey are you okay' Kirstie spoke placing her hand on my arm.

'Am I overreacting?' I spoke softly, now that I was away from Brad and the situation I felt a bit stupid about it all.

'Definitely not, I noticed it earlier on and pointed it out to James, I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did if I'm honest. I don't know if it was because he was into her or what but he definitely kept staring'

I didn't know if that was suppose to make me feel better, but I defiantly didn't feel it.

' I just didn't expect him to be like that I mean I was sat right there and he just acted like I wasn't' I started to get upset, realising that maybe Brad wasn't the perfect guy I'd met in the summer. Maybe that was a fantasy.

When we reached the hotel me and Kirstie went into our separate rooms as I decided I just wanted to be alone for now.

I pulled my suitcase from under the bed and decided to start packing me things. This wasn't how I wanted to spend my week. I just wanted to go home.

As I began throwing my clothes into the case, I heard the room door open. I quickly turn around to see Brad stood in the doorway.

'Hey hey what are you doing' Brad spoke as he rushed towards me.

'I'm going home' I replied sternly. I was not giving in to this.

'Jo look I'm sorry okay. I didn't realise what I was doing' Brad began as he pulled both of my arms away from the case so I was facing him.

'Oh so that makes it all better, yeah sure' I replied sarcastically.

'Look, I'm new at this. Believe it or not I haven't actually had a serious girlfriend in a long time. I don't know how I'm suppose to act. I don't want to be too clingy but I don't want to upset you like I clearly did tonight. That girl at the bar? She was creeping me out. I don't know it just made me feel uncomfortable so I kept checking to see if she was still there. I'm so sorry Jo it won't happen again. I know I'm an idiot'. Brad pleaded removing his hand from my arm onto my cheek.

'I'm knew at this too Brad, I get I trust me I get it. But when she said that to me it just, I don't know it just hit me hard' I sighed knowing I should of probably heard Brad out before I stormed off. 

'What did she say?' Brad asked looking confused once again. 

'Just basically that your attention was completely off me and on her and its you I should be speaking to about it not her. She was so smug I could of knocked her out there and then' this caused Brad to chuckle slightly. 

'Jo babe I love you. I'm sorry if I was off my game tonight but I really do and you're not going home, because some blonde bimbo isn't screwing what I've been waiting for months for up' this caused us both to Chuckle and for Brad to lightly kiss my lips.

' I have something for you. I was going to wait until tomorrow but seen as I'm in the dog house I'm going to give it you you now' Brad spoke before kneeling down and pulling a bag from under the bed.

'I picked this up today whilst you were off with the girls. I saw you look at it and figured you'd need something to wear for tomorrow night' he spoke handing me the bag.

Inside was a beautiful blue laced dress that I'd seen earlier.

'Brad you really shouldn't of! There was a reason I didn't buy this dress, it was way over my budget' I replied holding the dress against me to see how it looked

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'Brad you really shouldn't of! There was a reason I didn't buy this dress, it was way over my budget' I replied holding the dress against me to see how it looked.

'You deserve a treat' Brad smiled before kissing me again.

'You know you can't just buy me a dress every time you screw up, although actually..' I laughed before connecting our lips once again.

'I'm sorry and I love you, like we said last week, this is a work in progress but we'll get through it together' Brad smiled at me.

'You're a real pain in the arse Simpson' I shook my head before hanging the dress in the wardrobe and changing into my PJ shorts and one of Brad's many tshirts and jumping into bed. 

What a night.


lol Idk if I like this chapter what do you think

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