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It was Monday morning, my last few days before my final exam and my last few days as a student. Wow that doesn't half make me feel old.

Brad had been gone a little over a week and I felt like a lost puppy without him.

We speak everyday, although these last few days he hasn't spoken to me as much.

But I can't complain, his schedule is so packed I'm surprised he has time to think, and at least his is making the effort to speak to me everyday. Even if some days it's just a few texts exchanged between us.

The boys had been doing allot of promo for the new album which is bloody amazing my I add, and allot of performances with an American singer, Sabrina Carpenter is she called?

From what Brad tells me, she's a lovely girl. A few years younger than me, making her first solo move since being on a Disney tv show.

Allot of rumours have been going around about Brad and Sabrina, but Brad gets that with every female artist they ever perform with so I guess it doesn't bother me. Brads fans know about our relationship now so I'm guessing the rumours will blow over eventually.

I decided to give my revision a break for a few minutes and check Snapchat / Instagram for a while.

As I was scrolling down my feed, an unknown number rang me.

I looked at the number for a moment, deciding whether or not to pick it up before quickly clicking the green phone, it could be important.

'Hello' I spoke down the phone, expecting a sales man on the other end trying to sell me PPI or something like that. 

'Good afternoon, is this Miss Jo Denver?' A cockney sounding woman spoke down the phone.

'This is she' I replied, waiting for an explanation.

'Good afternoon miss Denver, I'm calling from bright future rehabilitation centre about the open slot in our mental rehabilitation department' she spoke and my brain started to start going a bit all over the place, my hear racing as she continued.

''We are delighted to say that your application looked amazing and we would love to offer you a placement with us as long as you pass the last part of your course. Of course you will have to join us for an interview but that is mainly a formality. I must say, considering you haven't even graduated yet, your application is quite overwhelming'.

My mouth opened in shock, I couldn't quite find the worlds to reply. This is was the one job I thought I had no chance with, the one I really wanted.

'Yes of course I'm interested, I'd love to work at your centre' I think I added a little too much enthusiasm to me voice as the woman on the other end chuckled slightly.

' well I'll be in touch with more details, I look forward to working with you Miss Denver'

'You too' I replied, still in shock before the woman on the other end put the phone down, leaving me  completely and utterly blow away.

My first instinct was to quickly dial Brad's number, he's going to be over the moon. Well hopefully.

After what felt like forever although really it was only a few rings, Brad picked up the phone.

'Brad you're never going to guess what!' I almost shouted, my excitement definitely getting the better of me as I spoke now.

'Jo I'll ring you back later or something I can't talk right now' Brad spoke down the phone, no acknowledgment to the clear excitement in my voice. 

'Brad it will only take a second, you'll never guess who just..'

Brad cut me off before I could even tell him.

'Jo I'm going to have to go, I'll speak to you later' and before I could even get another breathe out, Brad put the phone down on me.

Normally if Brad can't talk, he won't answer and will just text me explaining. He never answers and speaks to me like that.

All the excitement that was inside of me disappeared after Brad's strange behaviour.

After sitting on my bed for a good attempting to revise for another few hours, although my mind was else where, I decided to call Kirstie and tell her the good news.

Over the past few months I'd become especially close to her out of the girls, we talk all the time now.

After a few rings, she picked up my FaceTime, she too looked like she was in bed.

'Hey girl' she answered, sitting up so she was in a more comfy position to talk.

'You'll never guess what phone call I revived today!' I exclaimed with a huge grin on my face.

'Go on' Kirstie wiggled her eyebrows at me, clearly interested to hear what I had to say.

'I got a job offer in London!' My grin somehow grew even bigger and Kirstie's facial expression changed to a more shocked look, before quickly mirroring my smile.

'Omg no way! So you'll be down south with us all the time and we can go on more girly days! Oh my god what did Brad say? I bet he's so chuffed' Kirstie word vomited at me, causing me to giggle at her. 

'Actually, he doesn't know yet' I replied, looking away from the camera.

'Why haven't you told him yet?' Kirstie frowned causing me to sigh slightly.

'Well I tried, but he was too busy to answer the phone. In fact he was really rude about it. He completely shut me out and I haven't heard anything from him since, that was about two hours ago'

Kirstie didn't respond, she just looked at my confused for a few seconds.

'I don't want to stir the pot in anyway Jo' she paused as if not knowing whether or not to continue.

'Go on' I raised my eyebrows, showing I want her to continue.

'The boys haven't been doing anything today, they were just chilling on the tour bus. In fact I was on FaceTime to them a few hours ago'  she finished her sentence and looked at me with concern.

'Really? That's strange' my emotions must of been written all over my face because Kirstie quickly spoke again.

'I'm sure it's nothing, don't worry yourself over it' she gave me a sympathetic smile but I know that she was trying to convince herself just as much as me not to worry.

'I'll try to text him again' I replied.

'Well I'm going to go and sort some food out anyway, let me know what was up with him when he replies' she speaks before saying bye and ending the call. 

I decided to write a nice message to Brad and not come across as annoyed because I still don't know why he hasn't spoken to me today, it might literally be nothing. 

Hope your day wasn't too tiring, I have something to tell you, ring me when you can. Love you :)

That's should do it.

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