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'Are you ready?' Brad spoke from the living room doorway as I sat on the couch putting my shoes on.

'Yep, is my stuff in the car?' I asked Brad as I stood up and walked towards my mum.

'The car is fully loaded and ready for you to go home, well your other home' Brad laughed as I gave my mum a tight squeeze.

'I don't know why you make every goodbye emotional, you'll be back next week you little home bird' my mum laughed before walking us to the door.

'Now if you need anything, call!' I laughed at how overprotective my mum was.

I'd been home for about a week now after a few nights in the hospital. Brad stayed there every night with my and then stayed at my house for the past week.

We haven't done anything since I've been home, we haven't kissed, he's slept on the couch every night.

But he's been here for me 100% and looked after me like a baby.

'I feel really uncomfortable with you driving my car all the way to Leeds you know' I said as I got into the passenger side of my own car.

'Well like it or lump it, you're still recovering' Brad winked at me before setting off driving.

'Are you excited for your tour' I asked Brad, making conversation in the car seen as it was going to be a long journey. 

'I'm so excited, it's the best part of my job. It's going to be weird though, being away from you for that long' Brad replied, glancing at me for a split second before returning his focus to the road. 

'You've had the past week and a half with me, I'm sure you'll cope' I laughed.

'We need to talk before I leave though Jo, like really talk' Brad spoke softly, keeping his eyes fixed on the road.

'Let's talk now. I mean we've got an hours drive ahead of us so why not' I replied, wriggling slightly to find a comfier position.

'Okay. How do you feel. About us' Brad spoke quite confidently.

'I feel like I really want to be with you. But I honestly don't trust you' I sighed quietly. 

'I'm not going to lie. Hearing you say that hurts me allot but I understand why. How can we get past this?' Brad asked whilst tapping the wheel.

'You need to prove to me that I can trust you. It's not going to be easy but if you really want this you can do it' I replied whilst playing with my fingers.

'You know I only did what I did because I thought you'd gone off with your ex. You can trust that I don't want anybody other than you' Brad moved his hand from the gearstick to my thigh whilst giving me a reassuring smile.

' I get that Brad. But seeing you do it brought back all the memories of my toxic relationship or whatever you want to call it with Danny' I didn't look up at him because I didn't want him to see the pain in my face.

'Tell me about him. Because I really don't see how if he was such a bad boyfriend, you could still be such good friends' I sighed at Brads words.

'I'd been with Danny not long before I went to Cyprus this year, until I found out he'd slept with another girl at work. We had this really long chat and I basically said that I wasn't playing his game anymore and that was it. Danny was my bad habit for a long time. Our problem always was that we knew what would happen if we slept together, but we did it anyway. But when I met you in Cyprus I didn't even give him a second thought. The way I felt about Danny doesn't even nearly match up to how I feel about you. And me being with you I really brought mine and Danny's friendship out. I get that you feel awkward with him around but if you expect me to trust you, you need to do the same with me' after I had word vomited my past I stayed silent, waiting for Brad to speak.

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