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After I sent the text to Brad, I decided to completely give up on my uni work and just watch one tree hill in bed.

Just as I clicked onto a new episode, my phone lit up.


It's about time, I spoke to myself before answering the call.

'Hello' I spoke, sitting up in my bed so I was more comfortable to talk.

'Hi babe' Brad spoke softly

'How was your day' he continued, I could hear how tired he was as he spoke. Maybe I should just let it go and believe that he really did have a busy day.

'Actually that's what I phoned you about earlier. I got a job offer' I grinned as I spoke even though I knew Brad couldn't actually see me.

'What are you serious? Where?' He asked, his voice filled with almost as much excitement as mine.

'That's the best part. A rehabilitation centre in London' I squealed at the end with excitement, waiting for Brad's reply.

'London? I thought you only applied local' I could hear the confusion in his voice.

'Well I didn't want you to get your hopes up because the job is amazing and I didn't think they would want a newly qualified girl working there' I laughed lightly, clearly I was wrong.

'Jo that's amazing. when does it start?' He asked.

'Well they said that I need to go down for an interview although they said its just a formality. Then as soon as my exams are done and I've been given confirmation that I passed my course, which I basically already have because of all of the course work done. It's just the exam now. But when my exams are done with this week, I need to start looking for somewhere to live down there I guess'

'Jo I'm so proud of you, I told you you'd smash it out of the park' I could genuinely hear Brad's emotion in his voice as he spoke to me.

'How was your day anyway, I take it it was busy' I asked changing the subject.

'Actually Jo, that's what I need to talk to you about' for a second I thought I could hear him sigh but I'm sure it was just due to his lack of sleep.

'Before I say anything. I need you to promise to hear me out and not to hang up straight away' I frowned at Brad's words. Why would I do that? 

'Brad whats going on?' I asked confused.

'Promise me' Brad repeated causing me to feel slightly worried again.

'I promise now Brad what's going on' I repeated, this time more sternly as I spoke.

'I did something today that I really didn't mean and I regret as soon as it happened. I've never felt like suck a dick in my life. I was just feeling so vulnerable because I missed you and I..' brad rambled on before I cut him off.

'Brad what did you do'I spoke firmly before taking a sip of the hot chocolate  I had previously made.

I waiting impatiently for a reply which felt like it took forever, when in fact it was just a few seconds.

'I kissed Sabrina'.

I chocked on my drink as Brad spoke.

'What' I almost shouted down the phone, a million emotions running around in my head.

'Well no she kissed me but still it happened and I just didn't want to lie to you it would eat me up inside' Brad continued to ramble on as I attempted to take in the words that felt like they quite literally stabbed me in the heart.

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