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I'd been in America now for nearly two weeks, which means I've only got two weeks left.

Our last two weeks had been jam packed with shows, interviews and tv performances.

We'd worked allot with an upcoming artist called Sabrina who seemed like a lovely girl. She's featuring on one of our song off the new album so we've performed that allot.

The only thing preventing me from completely and utterly enjoying this trip was how much I missed Jo. I've never really been in this situation before, I didn't realise how much I would actually miss her.

  Today we had the day off, well by off I mean travelling in the bus for the day. Because Sabrina was going the tv appearance with us in New York, she joined us on the bus seen as it seemed like the smart thing to do.

It was about 12pm at home so I decided now would be a good time to ring Jo, she's normally awake by this time.

Just before I was about to call her, I was interrupted sat in the back area of the bus by Sabrina walking in with a magazine in her hand.

'Another one' I laughed as a picture of me and her were on the front of the magazine.

'They just aren't taking no for an answer' she laughed, before joining me on the small couch I was sat on.

'So what are you doing today' she spoke, tucking her long blonde hair behind her ear, in a way that reminded me of Jo.

'Nothing really, considering this bus is packed with people, it gets really lonely sometimes' I sighed leaning back on the chair.

'I understand, at least you have three other lads here, when I tour I have nobody but my crew' she mirrored my action, leaning back with a sigh.

'It's not the same though is it, it's not the kind of comfort I miss' I ran my hand through my hair as I spoke.

'You're one step closer than I am, I don't even bother trying to get into a relationship. I just don't see the point in all the heartache it causes when you're away'

I hadn't really spoken anybody about feeling like this because I know all the boys are in the same boat and so me moaning isn't going to help them feel any better.

'I don't think I could be in a relationship with somebody whilst touring, I'd miss having some form of affection all the time. When you're with somebody you can't exactly get it from other people like you can when you're single, if you know what I mean' Sabrina continued to talk, shocking me with her words.

Was she basically saying she would cheat on her boyfriend if she had one?

'I've never even thought about anything with another girl whilst I've been away from Jo, the thought never crossed my mind' I looked down at the phone in my lap, looking for a message from Jo tear me away from this rather strange conversation.

'Really, never?' I don't know if it was just me feeling nervous but I could feel her moving slightly closer to me.

'Never' I replied, although it in this moment it didn't sound as convincing as it was suppose to. More like I was trying to convince myself.

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