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'Brad that doesn't look right, tell him Anne!' I spoke as Brad pushed the bed up against the wall.

'She's right, the bed should be in the middle' Brad rolled his eyes at his mum agreeing with me, like she had done with just about everything Brad had moved today.

'I don't really care where the bed goes as long as I can sleep in it' Brad moaned as he moved to the other side of the bed ready to move it.

'Well I need there to be some space on that side so that when you annoy me I can kick you out of the bed' Brad glared at me causing Anne to laugh.

'Can we please take a break I'm tired' Brad continued to moan although I guess we have been moving things in all day and it's now 3 in the afternoon.

'I still can't believe my baby is moving out, it's going to be even more lonely at home now' Anne spoke as she straightened up the photos Brad had previously attempted to put up on the wall.

'I can't believe I start a proper job next week, I'm use to waiting tables and making coffee, this actually sounds like hard work' I laughed, sitting on the bed Brad had now put into place.

'You'll do great though, you always do' Brad reassured me, placing his hand gently on my thigh.

'Well I'm going to miss my train home if I don't get going soon, so I'll leave you two to your new home' Anne smiled, grabbing her coat.

'Mum you're more than welcome to stay here tonight you don't have to go home' Brad stood up walking over to her.

'Tonight's your first night in your new home, you need the place to yourself' Anne wiggled her eyebrows at the pair of us causing my face to turn bright red.

'MUM!' Brad shouted, himself clearly embarrassed as well.

'I'm just saying, it's tradition' Anne continued to laugh as I continued to go under.

'On that note mum, see you later' Brad laughed, hurrying her out of the bedroom to which we both followed her.

'Thankyou so much for today, I think I'd of ripped Brad's head off without your help' I laughed as Anne pulled me into a hug.

'I've enjoyed myself, Bradley is one lucky boy' she spoke quietly as she hugged me, as if so Brad didn't hear.

'I'm just going to get a bottle of water from the kitchen, I'll be right back' Brad said before disappearing out of the room.

'You must really love my boy you know, some of the things he's put you through are proof of that' Anne smiled at me as she spoke.

I smiled at her before replying 'I really do'

'And he really does love you. when he came back from America last month, I've never seen him so lost and down all the time' I sighed at the memories of what had happened before smiling again as it was all in the past now.

'We both agreed this would be our fresh start, no more lies or secrets and I'm really glad we can stand here and say that we've made it to this point'

just under a year ago when I first met Brad, if you'd of told me this time next year we'd have our own apartment and we'd be this far into our relationship I'd of probably laughed in your face.

'Well I'm glad he has you, I really am' Anne spoke again before engulfing me in another tight hug.

'Alright, I'm going to get going to the train station, Thank you for letting me help today' Anne grabbed her bag from the side as Brad re entered the room.

'Thanks mum love you' Brad hugged his mum before she left the apartment, leaving me and Brad alone for the first time.

'I'll unpack the little things tomorrow, as long as I have a bed tonight I don't really care' I launched myself onto the couch with an over dramatic sigh.

'Has my mum given you some ideas' Brad wiggled his eyebrows at me, the same way Anne had done previously.

'Maybe she has, maybe she hasn't and I'm just really overtired after all this hard work' I shrugged my shoulders at Brad.

'All this hard work? The only work you've done today is boss me about and had my mum back you up!' Brad laughed sarcastically.

'This place would be a mess if I hadn't of done that, you wanted to put the tv on the bloody wall, what do you think we bought the cabinet for?' I laughed as I pointed to the tv which was now nicely placed on the cabinet.

'It would of looked better on the wall, I stand by that' I shook my head at Brad, it definitely wouldn't of.

'I was going to cook tonight seen as it's the first night but I don't think I have it in me' I sighed. 

'But I like you're cooking, it's almost as good as my mums' Brad stuck his bottom lip out at me causing me to laugh lightly.

'Tomorrow, I promise I'll cook tomorrow' I swung my legs around so that my head was now resting on Brad's lap as I lay on the couch.

Brad instantly began to run his fingers through my hair. We lay in silence for a few minutes.

For once I felt like there was nothing wrong, me a Brad were truly happy with no complications.

'Jo' Brad spoke softly.

'Yeah' I replied.

'I'm really glad I went to Cyprus last year' Brad's words made my heart melt.

'Me too'


Kinda boring but Jo and Brad are happy whoop whoop

But how long will it last 🤔🤔🤔

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