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I hadn't told Jo I was coming home today, she knew I was back in the Uk but she doesn't know Im currently outside her apartment block in Leeds.

I walked up to her apparently to which I now have a key to incase she's in work when my train gets in or something like that.

I put the key in the door ready to surprise my girlfriend who I haven't seen in far to long.

However as I opened I wasn't greeted by a bored / tired / working Jo, but to a laughing Jo being, tickled ? By the one guy I'd be happy if she never spoke to again.

His hands were on her hips and she couldn't stop laughing until she locked eyes with me.

'Brad omg what are you doing here?' Jo looked at me shocked, removing herself from Danny grip and quickly walked towards me.

It was suppose to be a surprise. What's he doing here still, Jo pecked my lips but I was more concerned about the boy that had his hands all over my girlfriend.

'Brad I told you he was staying a few nights, I haven't seen him in forever' Jo frowned at me but my eyes were still fixed on him.

'Look mate we were just having a laugh, harmless really' Danny held his arms up in self defence although I could see the smirk plastered all over his face.

'For starters, I'm not your mate. And secondly, having a bit of 'harmless fun' doest include having your hands all over my girlfriend'.

I could feel myself tensing up, he doesn't want to push me tonight.

'Brad calm down. He didn't do anything wrong'
Jo put her hand on my chest but as Danny walked towards me I pushed her hand off of me.

'I don't know what your problem is but unlike you, I've been keeping Jo company for the past week, making sure she's okay'

I moved past Jo and closer to Danny, he's really pushing me now.

'No, you saw an open opportunity to swoop in whilst I was away and you took it in a blink of an eye. You need to stay the hell away from MY girlfriend' i could feel the anger in my boiling as he continued to smirk.

'She's your girlfriend mate. Not your property. All I'm here to be is a friend when she needs one, you need to get from inside your head' Danny laughed causing me to clench my fist.

'Can the both of you just give it a rest for gods sake!' Jo shouted although the both of us clearly ignored her as neither of us even flinched or looked in her direction.

'I don't like you and I don't trust you and I really don't want you here'

'It's a shame your girlfriend does'

I'm going to wipe that guy's smirk straight off his face.

Before I could even think about what I was doing my arm was swinging for Danny's jaw, causing him to fall hard on the floor.

'BRAD!' Jo shouted causing me to freeze and realise what I'd done.

'what are you doing!' She shouted before kneeling down to make sure Danny was okay.

'I'm fine I'm fine. Look I'm going to give you two some space to sort out whatever this is. You know where I am if you need me' and with that Danny was out of the door.

'I can't believe you just did that what were you thinking' Jo looked at me with anger, disappointment and confusion in her eyes.

'He was standing there all smug I couldn't help it' I ran my hand through my hair, even though I know he deserved it I still shouldn't of done it.

'He did nothing wrong Brad. We were having a laugh and then you come in screaming your accusations and throwing punches! What is wrong with you!'

'Are you seriously sticking up for him? Could you not see that he's trying to get you back. Oh my god Jo it's so obvious' I through my arms up and Jo just looked at me with the same facial expression.

'Brad, Danny is my friend. That's all I see him as. And even if that was his endgame, you should know that would never happen'

'Anything is possible Jo' I shrugged my shoulders and her facial expression suddenly chanced to a more hurt and upset look.

'Do you really think that low of me?' She asked quietly. I could hear the hurt in her voice.

'No I ju..'

'We had this conversation months ago when you kissed that girl. You expect me to trust you again then you need to trust me !! You can't expect me to block every boy out of my life, especially somebody I'm as close to as Danny. I told you them months ago that whatever was between us is long gone and I'm not interested in him. You should be able to trust me with that and not come in her screaming like a psychotic boyfriend' Jo walked off into the kitchen to which I quickly followed her.

'I thought we were over all of that, the girl and the kiss?' I asked with annoyance in my voice. It was months ago.

'So did I but clearly you still don't trust me the way you didn't trust me with Danny that night or Christmas night when you came looking after you realised me and Danny weren't at the table'

'There is always going to be something between you two and I can't deal with that, Jo I really don't want you being as close with him as you are' I sighed leaning on the worktop.

'And what if I don't want to change the way I am with him?' She asked frowning at me as she spoke.

'Then I don't know' I don't even realise the words coming out of my mouth as I speak. Of course I know, I don't want to break up with Jo. I'm just being stubborn and not able to back down from an argument.

'I think you should leave' she sighed looking down at the floor.

'How has me walking in on you all touchy feely with your ex come to me being asked to leave?' I asked standing up properly again.

'Just for tonight Brad please. I don't want to argue, I don't want to speak to you at all if I'm honest. The Bradley I've seen tonight isn't the Bradley I met last summer' Jo finally looked back up at me, making eye contact to which I could see how upset she really was.

'If it's really what you want. I'll go'

And with that, I was out the door.

What is wrong with me? No apology, no I love you. I just left like it was no big deal. Why do I have to be such a dick.

This SUCKS but I told you Danny would be causing drama lama.

Lots of Loves xoxoxoxo

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